El Camino Frances
Well I am still vertical and moving. Ha. Actually getting a little easier. We are doing about 23-25 a day. There is a freedom to this pilgrimage which is hard to explain but totally peaceful and serene. My life is walk eat sleep repeat. Lots of time to contemplate life.
Spectacular scenery people history culture and food.
We have covered about 200 and 4 more weeks to go,,,,,,, hard to believe we are actually nailing this so far. Amazing what you are capable of when you establish a goal and are determined.
It is my birthday today, so some celebrating will be happening at dinner tonight with Carmela and Dominica and some of our new pelegrino friends. A fantastic way to bring in a new year!
- comments
A&P Happy Birthday Heather! We raised a glass to you on the 17th! Enjoy your adventure!
Pam Wells What an amazing experience and a unique way to celebrate your birthday. Life doesn't get much better than that!
Cheryl Flaherty So glad you got the blog working! Hmmm... walking 23-25 per day huh? Well, I spent an hour on the Elliptical today - so there! I hope you had a wonderful birthday and I hope all body parts start feeling better. Very amazed by what you're doing. Looking forward to the next post. Love you, Cheryl
Ken Harvey Good morning Sweetheart, well I hope that the Scotsman staying in your room last night gave up his mothers recipe for short bread. All is well here The World Cup of Hockey is on ---don't sound so excited Canada & Team North America are holding their own. I have shut the house down in preparation for my move into the fridge! I'm off to lawn bowling and heading down to Apple to check out a new iPAD . keep those feet moving, I expect you to step it up to 30km this week ,no more of this slacking off with only 25km per day. most of all have fun oh yeah try to get the original recipe for" paella a la Marinera lol love you Ken