The bestest travel journal ever :)
Well after Whitsunday's we were all shattered so we all decided to go to our hostels get some shut eye and then meet up and go to a club. Islay and James were staying at our Hostel, the girlies (Cam and Charlie were down the road getting eaten to death by bed bugs). Us lot arrived on time and spent the first hour swearing at the German who we thought stood us up, they turned up an hour or so late - but all was cool and everyone proceeded to get into the boogy mood. We went to a couple of clubs - Mama Africa I think it was called - it was all really cool, met up with Steph - (sailor girl) and her friends too... It was a wicked night.
The germans left the next day but the girlies, me and rishi, James and ISlay stayed another couple of days. We didn't really do much just hung out - but was great. though we got into a fight with this annoying TV guy who rented us out dvd's but didn't give us the DVD player...
Oh and was drama between Islay, James and James kind-of ex jinny - was so random....
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