Barn Hill Station has a Sunday morning market we went to have a look at the trinkets for sale. Then Gadi took his kayak out this morning on the beach and I relaxed outside (while it was still relatively cool) under the awning. I started watching a movie and Gadi came back when I was half way through. Made a tuna salad for lunch and and we chilled out in the hottest part of the day watching Breaking Bad and drinking home made iced coffee.
Went back to the beach around 4 to enjoy the late afternoon sun followed by another WA sunset over the Indian Ocean. We sat with some of our neighboring campers and Cadbury enjoyed playing with their little puppy, frolicking and splashing around.
We BBQ'd rib eye steak for dinner (yum!) and went to check out the live band playing on the central lawn area - a local Indigenous band from Broome, who were very good.
Watched another episode and crashed out, yet again. This life on the road is quite mesmerizing. One day may blend into the next, but it is amazing to see new places, learn about the history and industries and discover the amazing sights and colours of each place we visit. While it is certainly an itinerant life, it is rich and enjoyable (and occasionally filled with bugs and dust too!). We know we are really lucky to be experiencing our wide brown (and red and yellow and sometimes green) land.
And on that note, good night, sweet dreams xx
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