A new day a new itinerary.
After breakfast and checking out, we set off to get the car which is, not only readily available (a lot of people are trying to move out due to sailing cancellations) but an upgrade. The national park is only 2/3 hours away so no hurry.
En route we make a detour to see a waterfall called Ceder Creek Falls. Worth it after all the rain, as it was flowing well. Mary not too happy about the ford we had to go through - not too deep, to get to it.
Next en route is the Finch Hatton gorge which we curtail visiting as a ford we need to cross is running far too fast and deep to cross.
As we turn to leave we see our first wildlife encounter, a Pretty Face Wallaby in the field next to the road - photos duly taken.
Once checked into the Broken River Mountain Resort off to see if we can spot some Platypus. YES we can, two in different parts of the river - more photo's. They are very territorial and solitary animals. Also, in the river a turtle.
After an excellent dinner we booked to go on a two hour guided spotlight walk to see the animals around the resort. The guide, Miles, was great, not only on spotting animals but his wide knowledge of them and the environment in general. So what did we see:- a carpet python, more platypus, a Dingo in the trees, bandicoots, laughing Cookaburras, tree frogs, a cane toad, brush turkey, possums, ducks, a bat, a macaw, geckos, a wild bee colony and hundreds of ants, but thankfully no leeches who are prevalent in the damp forest.
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