Today we crossed the border from Malawi to Zambia. The cultural difference is really stark. Malawi is so poor and housing is incredibly humble. The merchants outside the campsite at Kande Beach were happy for us to trade with socks or t-shirts in place of money as we didn't have much of the local currency. Here in Zambia we can already see 'townships' as opposed to small dwellings along the roadside. The women here were western clothing, jeans, t-shirts, heels even. There are posters all around raising awareness about sexual abuse and women having the right to work without harrassement. There are more cars and homes have gardens, something we haven't seen so far.
I have been able to do a bit of running recently. Of the 8 left in the group, 4 of us are runners, we did have 7 runners but 3 have left. Yesterday I woke early because my sleeping bag was over-run with ants. So I went for a run up a sandy track to the nearby village. It was 6.30am. Along the way I was joined by two local boys about 5 years old, they jogged with me. I did a few little sprints to give them a laugh. As I got nearer the village I was joined by more and more children, all boys as the girls behave quite differently in Africa. They said they were on their way to school so that is where we ran too. I felt like the Pied Piper. There were 11 of them by the time we got to the school. I gave them all high 5's and some of them wanted a hug too.. quite different to the Tanzanian children who were quite rude. Unfortunately, because I was busy chatting to the children I hadn't taken much note of my route which I thought was straight forward.... on the way back there were several forks in the road. I had to literally trace my tracks to get back to the camp.
Before I got back to the campsite I was trapped by Roger one of the merchants who discovered my weakness of not being able to refuse a good game. He taught me how to play Malawi Bao which is like mancala (wooden trough with pods in it and glass beads). And, you guessed it, sold me a set. Only after we had spent nearly 2 hours playing with me trying to remember the rules.
Tomorrow we have another long day of travelling then on Sunday we arrive at Livingstone. We are all getting quite excited about Livingstone, looking forward to all the activities. Will probably not be able to blog for a couple of days. Love reading all your comments... Thank you xxxx
- comments
Ian Anne, That’s awesome! You’re so lucky to be in the midst of the real Africa, real life, real people.......I wonder how many miles, how many tens of thousands of miles, you’d have to run in this country before having eleven happy followers.....indeed, I wonder are there eleven children in the UK who can run?? And, ooh, what’s this? Pictures?.....Super. You are well aware of my extreme dislike of cats but, my my that really looks like a super-predator.....and a super-tent too! Thanks for keeping all of us who care and think about you often up to date; as ever, these snippets are forwarded to Mother & Father who are always eager to hear them. It’s been a titanic effort but, Mother is not far from being.....wait for it....on-line. Yes, the Interweb is about to get a serious blue-rinse. In further domestic news, Spud has had her first visit from the tooth fairy! Keep well, be safe. Much love, Ian x
Yvonne Grayson I used to live in Kenini Crescent - can't remember the spelling!!!! Used to be some fabulous hotels in Vic Falls and Livingstone!!! Not sure they are there now! My brother went back to Zambia and went white water rafting - is that on your agenda. Think you are extremely brave camping!!!!! Don't you just long for a decent hotel???? Don't go off running on your own to much will you Anne - you just have to be a bit more careful than over here - enjoy Livingstone - I PRESUME YOU WILL!
Rose Hi, Sounds like you are having a wonderful time. If you ran up the road here and collected 11 children you would probably be arrested. As for giving a child you don't know a hug, well it doesn't bear thinking about. Shows how restricted we are in this country sometimes. Last handicap has happened and Sarah Mathews got the overall shield. She came second this time, but the guy who won hadn't run before. i was absolutely rubbish. Managed to overtake 4 of the 5 in front of me but couldn't catch Robbie. Would question why he was in front of me anyway. Got overtaken by nearly everyone I think, still it was good fun as always. Sounds like you may be coming home with excess baggage at this rate and I thought you couldn't lift you rucksack as is was. Take care and keep blogging as really enjoy your news. Rose x
jennifer Heh your stories are great well done getting up to run i had trouble just getting up ha ha! Sounds like you had fun on your runs though it must be a great way to meet the locals. I bought a bao set too so we will have fun when we meet again in the future!! Keep well I loved Malawi and Livingstone is pretty cool too. Have fun Jenx