I think today is Wednesday. We arrived at Kande Beach yesterday lunchtime. It is a campsite on the white sandy beaches of Lake Milawi. The lake itself is huge, actually takes up one fith of Milawi. From the beach it looks and acts like an ocean. You can't see the other side and there are big waves lapping the shore. The waves make it noisy like an ocean too.
This morning 4 of us went for an early morning 2 hour horse ride through the beautiful woodland surrounding the camp. We were able to see many of the little villages far more closely then in the truck. I was pleased I hadn't forgotten how to ride and Siri and myself were able to go off and have a few canters. The ride ended at the lake where we removed the saddles and rode into the waves bare back in bikinis the lake gets deep very quickly so we were in up to the horses necks. Really great experience.
I forgot to mention how my dive went in Zanzibar. We did an 18m dive from a boat. The sea was quite choppy so we made a very quick entry into the water as we were beginning to get a bit queezy. We dived over some coral plates which seemed to be teeming with fish. Clown fish, lobster, puffer fish, scorpion fish, moray eels ... and many more. I was pleased to have done it as it was my first proper dive but the rest thought that it wasn't a good dive because the visability was not very good ... they haven't dived in Portsmouth's Gunwharf obviously. I thought it was bloody marvellous, not a shopping trolley in sight. The boat trip back was pretty cool too.
Our next big stop is Victoria Falls in Livingstone, this is where we can do lots of activities like white water rafting, helicopter rides over the falls, jet boat riding ... we are all beginning to plan what we want to do ... very exciting. In the meantime we will chill out on the white beaches of the lake. The lake itself is supposed to be home to a nasty parasite that lives in fresh water, burrows into you skin and after about 4 months makes its way to your liver and creates havoc there. We were all told in England not to go into any fresh water in Africa but after the horse experience this morning guess we will be taking our chances. The lake in this part is so rough that we have been assured the bug does not live here ... more in stagnant waters ... so fingers crossed!
Sorry about lack of pictures still ... I am working on it.
- comments
Yvonne Grayson My God Anne - Vic Falls - give my love to Livingstone - I lived there for many years as a little girl!!!!!! Makes me feel a bit sad as I can't go back there!!! Shame about the lack of shopping trolleys heh! Yep that parasite in still water causes bilharzia - not sure about the spelling!! Don't get it! Fantastic - wish I could be with you on the horse riding in the sea - LIKE A DREAM. Give my love to Vic Falls and you may pass Livingstone Primary School!!!! Love it!
Ann Oh Anne, you seem to be having such a wonderful time and so many "once in a life time" experiences (although in your case probably more than once in a lifetime!). I'm so, so pleased for you. I bet it all makes running round the ranges seem so "everyday", as it nearly is for us! Your dive sounded interesting - well done. I'm glad that the shopping trollies haven't reached that far yet! Life's much the same as usual here. Weather's deteriorating quite rapidly and evenings are drawing in - but you don't want to hear about that! Not with a lake as big as an ocean beckoning you! Watch out for your liver though, what with all those cocktails and now parasites too! Looking forward to seeing some picture - in your own time though! ENJOY YOURSELF. Ann x
Leo Wow ! It sounds great !! You make me laugh ! Have fun. Leo.
Sarah Matthews Sounds wonderful. Glad you are having a great time. On and off rain here and it's the last handicap tonight. I'm lying 2nd at the moment but any one of the first 7 are up with a chance and with Gary in first and Tim in 3rd my chances are very slim but I'll be running my socks off for the girls! xxxxx Congratulations Sarah .... You are a very worthy winner ... keep it up xx
Lesley You are definately having the time of your life, so glad you are enjoing it so much. Sarah M was being very modest - she won the overall series this year - I've just got back so thought you would like to know. You are obviously having too much fun to be running. Take care and I love reading your blog. x x
Val You're certainly making the most of it there, Anne. Avoid the billhaziay (sp?) though! I just found the water snakes in Chinese waters bad enough. Keep taking all those opportunites. On a more mundane note, Tim came over all second in the handicap series so was delighted. He was never going to beat Sarah M unless I as spectator managed to trip her up. She was going like a train! A deserving winner.
Katie Parnell i love you and miss you mummy dearest.xx x I love and miss you too katie baby ... very much xx
[email protected] Hi Anne sorry I keep missing you but glad to see its all still going well, sound like you having the time of your life and glad to see its working out to be the adventure you wanted it to be. Glad to see you did the dive after all the training you put in to perfect the rubber method!! Keep updating the blog I check it everyday!!! and Ed sends his love too xxxx
Ian Sounds super Anne; well done for not letting a tiny parasite put you off your dive, giving in to security under pressure does not make a winner! I’m told it is possible to get much closer to wildlife if on horse-back as wild animals are less fearful of quadrupeds than they are of us biped, have that camera handy!! Gulp it all in; enjoy! Much love, Ian x