Still dark we congratulated ourselves on our organisation, collected our breakfast goodi box and pulling our wheeled bags through the awakening streets of Picton to the bus stop outside the ferry terminal.
We were well in advance of our 7.30 departure time but bus was ready and waiting with a few people already on board. No need to show our tickets the bus driver greeted us by name and we went up to the top deck to pick our seats and then the bus left 30 minutes early!!! When we booked our tickets this was a 9 and half hour trip on the alternative road being used while repairs to the earthquake at Kailora were taking place, But highway 1 is now open during the day and bus schedules must have changed and it is still going to take 6 hours with lots of road works ahead.
It is a lovely day so it is going to be our final day when we don’t drive ourselves so we are going to make the most of it, I’m going to return to my breakfast goodie box and Andrew is writing poetry !?
The road is as close to the sea as you could get and you’re often looking down onto the waves a matter of feet below you - stunning trip. Amazing to think this is the major route, it’s a bit like the narrowest sections of the A40 but all the nicer for that. The earthquake damage is plain to see around Kaikora with a lot of work on going. Lunch and toilet stops made for a civilised trip with lots of wholesome looking young people intent on finding themselves or (someone else!!). Fabulous trip
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