16th AugWe woke up dretched in sweat as it was so hot and decided to head out and try and find some breakfast. The only problem was that all they sold in this place was street food so our options were chicken and rice or chicken and rice even at 10am in the morning. I ended up just drinking a yoghurt drink instead. After packing up our stuff we had to carry it on a 15 minute walk in the midday heat down to the port. We managed to find our hammocks from the day before and after waiting a couple of hours for the boat to fill up completely we heard the engines start up. The boat just didnt have enough power to move and so everyone had to get off the boat while a digger pushed it off the port and then we jumped back onboard. The boat sailed down the river and gradually gained more and more people so that when we eventually got into our hammocks to sleep I had a person touching me either side, two at my head and two at my feet and virtually one on top of me. As you can imagine it was bloody hot and we just could not fall asleep!Just as i was finally dropping off at about midnight the police storm the boat and spend the net 3 hrs searching everyones things. I am very glad I didnt bring any coca leave across the border afterall. So then at about 3am we finally start to drop off whena whole bunch of korean people get on board and sit at the base of our hammocks and wont shut up!! I really thought mike was going to get up and chuck them overboard!
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