There really isnt a lot to say about today. We had hoped that we would fall in love with this city but sadly we didnt. We spent the day looking round a place that as far as we could see was a really bad version of madrid.
There were some good bits of course, like us both being totally incapable to reading a map without going the wrong way and the people looking at us as if we were completely strange walking round in shorts in the middle of winter but hey we are on holiday what do you expect!
The evening had to be the funniest thing we had sen so far. We follow our lonely planet guide to this tiny little cafe in what can only be described as a bad take on leicester square. We look at the menu and dont have a clue what it says but order what we knew was a whole load of meat and lots of wine! Dinner finally arrived and it was delicious....loads of chicken, steak, churizo and then after eating all that we get to the bottom of the platter and are left with the most disgusting looking meat. Seriously anyone in the dissection room would have had a field day! Mike being all macho take a big bite of this black pudding and claims its delicious so I finally after much pursuasion give it a try and its the most disgusting thing I have ever eating. It was as if they had just thickened up some blood and heated it up......EURGH!!!!!!!!!!!! That really did put me off eating anymore but mike kept going and while we wer trying to work ouyt what this C shaped bit of flesh was he tried some and nearly vomitted! The waiter finally brought out a menu in english and it turns out it was Ox intestine. I'm pretty glad I didnt eat anymore!
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