Checked out at half 7 and went across the road the the sister guest house at 8 for breakfast. They gave us bread and jam.
The bus was supposed to arrive at 9 but as always it was late an arrived at 9.30 and set off at 10!
The bus was absolutely boiling hot!! Never been so hot in my entire life! Everyone was crammed on as well but we had to sit and listen to this stupid dredlock girl blabber on about how she is flying to Thailand to get her hair fixed as she simply can't go on! Pass me some scissors and I'll do it for free mate!
Got on the boat at 10.30 and we were on one that wasnt as packed as the rest so I was very thankful!
Started updating my scrap book as I havnt done it in about a week. Which caused drama, didn't see my book for about an hour! People were real obsessive over it saying it amazing! Please Darl, it's rubbish that I collect sellotaped into a book. Do love a compliment though ;)
Spoke to Ken our tour guide about his life. He studied banking at university but doesn't want to work in a bank so got a tour guide job. Everyone always shouts at him but it's his company's fault for getting everything wrong and he always wants to scream back at customers but doesn't. I Definately would.
He told us about an open bus ticket you get get in Vietnam that you cant get in the other countries. We told him the places we wanted to go and he said it goes to those places. He also recommended what we do and see when we go!
Got to Halong City at 12.30 and had to wait 45 minutes for the coach to come and pick us up so we all went to sit in BMC restaurant opposite the station.
Ordered rice which was beaut while ken told me the wire I bought to charge my phone with in Laos is a fake! It wouldn't charge his phone? Very strange but Michaels worked ok! Mine still works but just didn't for him?
Got in the coach at 1.15 and ken told us to sit at the front! It's so much better at the front as its less bouncy! Although we were sat directly behind the driver and we had to watch how he drove! Literally didn't even have time to blink I was so scared!
At one point there was 6 vehicles wide on a two lane road crossing a railway track. Words cannot describe the rest and I don't think my mother would sleep. Anyway the driver didnt seem to mind, he kept touching my feet and laughing at me! Go home.
Got dropped off at our hotel at 4.30, checked in then went straight to Joma for a bagel!
Michael has the urge to do my hair so we went on the worldwide search for hair grips! Had to go into a salon and ask if I could borrow one to show the people in the shops! Walked 5 miles to this shop! They cost 50000 dong (£1.50).
Got ready and Michael plaited my hair into a headband wrap around plait. Looked beaut!
We booked the open bus ticket with our guest house which cost $45 (£28) from Hanoi (top of Vietnam) to Saigon (bottom of Vietnam) with four stops in between.
Got a taxi to Highway 4 restaurant to meet Lee, Toni and Mao and met two guys called Matt and John.
Everyone ordered things to share in the middle of the table which included the things from the other night. New things were battered fish rolled in rice paper, pigeon and crocodile! No way am I eating pigeon or crocodile....
Mao ordered us four traditional Vietnamese wines, a shot glass of each one but seriously that was enough they were so strong!! We had plum wine, passion fruit wine, apple wine and apricot wine. We all had a tiger beer as well to wash it down as they didn't taste nice.
After this I decided you only live once and when is my mother every going to battle a crocodile and feed me! So tried the crocodile first!!! It is the first meat I have ever tried apart from fish! It was so strange! Apparently it tastes like beef. It was really chewy and a bit stringy. It tasted like nothing I can describe, just different.
Then onto the pigeon! God help me I'm eating flying rat! YOLO!! I hate people that say that ... Haha it was the greasiest thing ever, it wasn't chewy like crocodile it was like the texture of salmon. I couldn't bring myself to eat it off he bone as I think that would have been a step to far!
Omg I'm such a carnivor!!!!!!!
Got a taxi to Roof Top Bar as we love it there! Such up to date music, a good DJ and nice people! It is expensive though!
Michael remembers me dancing on a stool, I'm real classy you know!
Didn't go outside tonight even though the view is incredible! It was packed though!
After it closed at 12 we got a taxi to Solace Club (the club on a boat). Absolutely love this place, even with all the dirt, weirdos, mafia and cockroaches!
It was crazy and packed as usual! Still couldn't get me off the dance floor! You have to make the most of it though a lot of places don't have dancing clubs!
The DJ Hue is lovely! He bought us all drinks again! We went with Lee and Matt to Phuc Tan club which is right on the river! You can't step foot on the dance floor here, it's full of tourists.
Stayed out till 6! I don't even know how! Loved it though!
- comments
sharron errr 6 veicles passing the same time........yes, it is a good job I didn't see that!