Got up at 11, Michael was still asleep snoring in my ear so I went to the internet cafe for 3 hours uploading pictures to Facebook, checking emails and sorting a few things out! It cost me 9 ringgits (£1.80) for 3 hours. Sold!
Met Michael and we went to the station to complain to the company that they gave us a ticket to the wrong place! We want to go to George Town in Penang not NiBong. They said it goes to both places and wouldn't change the ticket. Great.
Went to subway for western food baby!! Before taking my order the guy working there called me a work of art! I just want a sandwich thanks! Awks!
Chilled in the room till 5, we saw so many sights yesterday so we didn't feel to bad!
We were indecisive about going out but then we thought, who are we kidding?! Haha got ready and went out about 10.30. Walked to the beer stalls in the market as its cheap there! A large beer that's 1 litre cost 13 ringgit (£2.60) so still expensive but it's ok! This is the first place where alcohol is more expensive then soft drinks! All other countries it's way cheaper!
Got a taxi to Market Place Club, it was a good taxi driver which is rare! Sat upstairs with a view of the Patronas Towers for a while till everyone arrived!
It was a crazy night! All nights are crazy in Kuala Lumpur though! I seem to know half the gay population and get dragged everywhere and meet new friends constantly! Love it though! I think there was three other girls in the club tonight which is a record! Only if you count one staff member and one lady boy though!
Got a jug of beer as its the cheapest! I started talking to this group of guys and one girl! They are flight attendants from Thailand! With one girl! Her hair smelt beaut! I told her this then she let me smell it some more! Oh my! Never in 4 months have a smelt a smell so nice! After this a reassured her I am not a lesbian just a little bit weird.
Everyone is so friendly here! I'm constantly with a new group of people and Michael now calls everyone my 'admirers', love it!!!!!
Had a million dance offs, including starting the 'I need a wee' dance in the queue for the toilet! Ou can only imagine the moves. There isn't girls toilets here either!
Met Fin and went with him, Michael, Clem and a few others I don't remember there names to the end of the street to the Indian food stall!
The spicy noodles left me with only one taste bud! There were nice though! I think it cost around 3 ringgits (60p)
Clem calls himself my secretary now as I've met to many people who know everything about me but they all blend into one, he tells me names and background information! Haha
There is so many beautiful gay boys here! Such a waste! Seriously a lot of them should be models! Or my boyfriend??? The day I turn a gay guy will be the best day ever! It will happen...
Got a 15 minute taxi home at about 4 which cost 7 ringgits (£1.40).
- comments
Shima Im abit lost u said u were in Penang and then Suddenly in a gay club in KL?! did i missed some part or maybe im half sleep! and totaly agree abt all these beautiful guys andthe fact we cant have them!