Got up, ready and walked to the Central Market. We had western food again for lunch!! Very naughty of us! We don't really care though, havnt had it in 4 months and don't know if we will get it again.
Set off walking around the Central Market, it doesn't look very big from outside but it's huge!! It's 2 floors of organised jumble sale mess! It isn't like usual markets where I'm being ripped limb from limb, rats scuttling over your feet, clothes everywhere, ornaments being thrust under your arms, women walking around with mattresses on there heads, tuktuk drivers apearing at the click of a finger, finding children in your pockets and babies flying through the air!! It was calm, well calm for Asia!
Malaysia is so expensive! I arnt spending £9 on the same shorts I got in Thailand for £1.50! I know that's tight but really, I don't care.
Did buy some earrings though, I've got three piercings in each ear lobe and a piercing in each tragus and got all matching little gems. Looks beaut! It cost me 11 ringgits (£2.20) for 8 earrings.
While in the market I shouted 'wogs' at Michael, pushed past three guys and picked up the dolls! They are illegal in England so I was so shocked to see them. What I didn't realise until I saw michaels face was the three guys I pushed past were the biggest black guys I have ever seen in my life and a polcie man. My life flashed before my eyes!!! Luckily they just smiled. Thank god!!
Got back from the market and we have decided we want to go diving with sharks. You know, an every day decision! So we walked to the 24 hour Internet cafe, emailed the company our details and booked to do it!
It's called 'Cage Rage' and is in an aquarium, it's expensive though, costs 200 ringgits (£40) but its something you have to do before you die. I guess we will be living off cheap noodles this week... Oh wait! We do anyway!
So, I've always thought I would dive with sharks in the ocean, but what if I don't get the chance again, what if it's more expensive, you aren't guaranteed to see sharks in the ocean but you are in an aquarium and I have visions of my and Michael if we did it in the ocean, the cage breaking and us sinking to the sea bed, fighting off sharks with our bare hands!! I'm not up for that so we will still do the aquarium. Logic.
It was Aidens birthday party a week early so we skyped Debbie so Michael could see his whole family! She answered while she was walking there and I asked to see what she was wearing so she gave us a fashion show whilst walking down Anlaby Road! Much to the two Swedish girls behind us delight! Gotta love her!
Got ready and went to a beer stall in the China Town market. Bumped into a couple go we knew from Vientiane in Laos as they stayed in the same accommodation as us! Spoke to them for a couple of hours! They are travelling Asia, Australia then America! So jealous!
Me and Michael then got a taxi to Market Place but the taxi driver couldn't find it even though he said he knew were it was. Argued with him for a bit, he left us in some building site, mugging central area at pick pocket oclock which I did not appreciate. Walked up and down the main street for a bit till I said we should get a taxi even if it's for a couple of minutes because we don't have a clue.
Got another taxi and it did only last a couple of minutes but we told him we wouldn't pay him until we found the place as he said he knew where it was but didn't in the end but because we said this he drove till we found it.
Market Place is a huge club (gay of course, all the clubs we go to are!). It's very posh! When we got to the door I had about 3819 palpitations as it costs 40 ringgit to get in (£8), but we looked for this place last night and all tonight so we had to! It was worth it! You get glow in the dark club stamp and a drink.
Inside the club you get an amazing view of the Patronas Towers lit up at night. We got a jug of beer as its the cheapest at 55 ringgit (£11) and met a couple of friends! I love meeting new people so much but always loose track! To many people! Three boys called Steven, William and Fin and all there friends. Most locals give themselves western names. They were hilarious!!! Met a Rodger once! How ridiculous!
Of course I was best friends with them by the end of the night! I had learnt all the Malay at terms (handbag, chop stick and chin depending on what kind of person you are). Me, Steven, William, Michael and some random American guy who decided to tag along all set off walking to Zouk Club at 3 after Market Place had closed.
Got to Zouk and they are very strict on dress code, no flip flops, no men's shorts, no hats, no men's vest tops and nothing offensive. Michael was wearing shorts so we all just left.
We all walked back to Williams car and then drove to Heritage Street and went to Passion Club (I think that's the name).
Passion Club cost 50 ringgits (£10) which is a lot to get in and didn't look busy so we stood outside and contemplated what to do, the club owner came up to us and said we could go into the upstairs part of the club for free if we bought a drink, it was 4.30 and it got busy at 5. We were the only ones there and didn't want to wait half an hour so left!
The random guy from America was still sticking around. He told me he loved me because I'm a diva and have an attitude. I told him he hadn't seen anything yet. He laughed. I didn't.
William kindly drove us home to China Town! Got in at about 5! God help us with our plans for tomorrow!!!
- comments
WeiKun Since when I'm William? I never have an English name!