What a day to get amongst it!
If you happen to catch some footage of the throng of Aussies celebrating after the race, look for me next to Steve Irwin and the croc. I am holding an Aussie flag and have a fluro
Orange shirt and a bucket cap. Kirsten right next to me in white.
We took hundreds of pics as we were in prime position so will upload them when we get a chance.
Here are our highlights:
• Our prime position on the course; 250m from start line and 450m from finish
• Eyeballing cadel during his warm
up cause we were the only ones around with an Aussie flag
• Eyeballing Simon Gerrans during his TT
• Seeing Thors bum up close (5m away and mighty fine)
• The weather being kind to us for 90% of the day
• Being surrounded by scores of Aussies and a happy crowd of cycling fanatics
• Having a French lady translate as Cadel got closer and closer to the Sclecks time, then being joyful with us when he got into the yellow position
• Getting an SMS from Trent saying he saw me on tv at the beginning of Andy's TT
• Meeting Chiara's parents after the race (photo to follow ). They were SO excited and were wearing with his photo on it. Cute.
• Watching Cadel put on the yellow on the podium
• Giving Mike Tomolaris a back slap after he did his SBS wrap up in front of us. He was so pumped up
• Being amongst the throng of Aussie fans after the race. Every media outlet was filming and photographing the crowd. It was crazy!
• Getting interviewed by some European radio station
Thanks for all of the sms updates from home throughout the day. I'm so glad we witnessed today first hand!
- comments
johnny pants Wish I WAS THJERE WITH YOU ALL;
Jenny Awesome!! Wish i was there too
Forrest Barbie Hi Angie, I sat up last night watching Cadel does his thing and didn't know my beautiful god daughter was there. Howver, Mum told me today and I did see you on the footage shown on the Channel 7 news. Love your cute little hat! Wish I was with you. Will you be in Paris for the finish tonight?
Linda Brown sounds amazing, something to remember for ever! very happy for you xx