By Andrew Day
Well we made it and i'm now sat in an internet cafe in thailand on Sunday evening. My belly is full and all is good in the world but frist we must rewind.... saturday, friday, thursday, wednesday, tuesday, monday, sunday. back at the start. well what a nightmare leaving newark was fine and it was really nice of both mine and andy,s folks to come and see us off. Arriving in London on time with no snow all hell then broke lose and the heavens opened. our planeed departure for 21.30 was still on the cards and we boarded the plane as requested and then sat and sat and sat some more. with one lie following another from british airways it looked like we would never leave and heh we didn't. after 7 long hours we were turfed off the plane at terminal 5, which was nice to see with it all being so new etc.
the following day we were told that we would fly out at the same time, the snow kept falling and so did our spirits, was the traveling going to be worth it or should I go back to Vodafone. Well thankfully the travelling won and we fineally took off after another 3 hour delay, so 27 hours in total, with no sleep either it was hell.
We arrived in to the bangkok sauna and booked a transfer bus which andy then went and over paid for. But i forgave him as we were both asleep on our feet.
Bangkok is crazy, more crazey than you can even think. I'm sure if we had gone for a nice 5* hotel in the centre we would have seen a nothing side to the city, but we didn't and i,m glad because we saw the real Bangkok not some tourist fuzz.
Andy has written stuff about what we have done so far so I'll move on. The little hut we are in now is such fun even the beds slope to the right so if you turn over in the night the chances are you will end up on the floor, thankfully i'm on the left so I have further to go.
The river kwai experience has been great and I for one loved the museum and could have spent all day reading about the pow's and the things they had to go through, it make you think how lucky we are. The bridge was so different to what I was expecting, I had read that people were really disapoined with it but seeing it in the flesh and actually walking the lenght of it was great. Next we do something big like that we will definatley take Natasha bear and Susie koala with us and make the sit still while the photos are being taken.
So i leave you now with my sore bum, four hours on a wooden seat with no cushion is there any wonder. We both keep saying we must keep this updated more often but with such tight internet time and the photos to upload it makes things difficult.
Just off to buy some Walkers to eat in the balcony listening to the wildlife on the river kwai who could ask for more.
andrew xx
PS we are working on 50 thai baht to the pound so if we just quote baht then you will need to work it out. so far here are some general prces we have had to pay
room for the night 600 baht, small water 13baht, can coke 20 baht, train on 3rd class 100baht, chips 50baht. thai rice 40baht and good old walkers crisps 20baht for a big bag.
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