By Andrew Baker:-
Well after nearly a week I thought I better add some text to this thing. Hope people have seen the photos. I have more to upload but thought I would do some writing tonight!
We left Newark last Sunday very excited! Got to the airport on time and then boarded our plane.
Seven hours after we were due to take off we were still sat on the plane at the bleeding terminal. Eventually BA advised us the flight had been cancelled and had to get off the plane. We were bussed to Terminal 5 in a blizzard and told they couldn't find any where for us to sleep and hopefully our flight would depart the next night instead.
So all day on the Monday we walked around Heathrow Terminal's 4 and 5. It was long and boring. Good news was we did take off the following night and eventually made it to Bangkok on the Tuesday.
Everything went well - found the right bus to take us into town but I did pay 100 baht (two pounds) to much.
We didnt get dropped off where we were expecting so us two amateurs with our backpacks on got dropped off with a map and made our way through the mad streets to find our guest house. Because I am brilliant we did find it easily enough.
Reassuringly they had understood my rushed phonecall the day before to say we would be arriving a day late.
I sat in the public area watching travellers arrive and leave. It all felt exciting and couldn't believe my time had come to be one of them. The next morning I was in stitches watching a group of still drunk Australians trying to get in their taxi.
The first proper day in Bangkok we went and had a look at The Grand Palace and Wat Pho. Both fantastic places but we were really too exhausted to appreciate them. With the heat, crowds and touts trying to sell you anything from a taxi ride to false teeth I was relieved to get back to the Guest House bar.
We then went to have a look at Koh San Road - it was everything it should be. Colourful, lively and kitch. You can lounge about on pillows and do whatever you want!!!
The next day we went into the modern centre of Bangkok. By this time we were coming to the conclusion that we were just to exhausted to enjoy Bangkok. We decided to travel to Kanchanaburi. Famous for being the site of the Bridge over the River Kwai.
We kept trying to get train times but everyone we asked was telling us it was too dangerous to travel by the local train but they could supply a mini bus. Anyway we stuck to our guns and travelled by train. Trying to get to the station was fun though as two different taxi drivers through us out as I couldn't get them to understand where we wanted to go!
The train ride was as fun and exotic as you would expect. Old and rickety with locals trying to sell you food and feather dusters.
Kanchanaburi is fantastic. It is green, lush, fun and chilled. We are staying in this great hut. It has curtains with pelmets and little lamps and I feel like I'm living in something of Little House on the Prairie. The first night we got there they hadn't got our hut ready so we had to sleep in this awful chalet room. It was damp and dirty. I had little jumping insects on my pillow. Stayed outside most of the night smoking!
We rode the death railway today. Truly stunning views where the River Kwai meets the mountains and jungle. However the wooden seats on the train have really started to make my arse ache! Pictures to follow (of the Death Railway, not my arse)
It is a Buddhist holiday tomorrow so if this morning is anything to go by it means all the wats will playing out loud music at about 6 in the morning. We need to be up early anyway as we have been told about a 7 tier waterfall that you can climb and swim in so we are going to try and get a bus.
Will update again soon. Love to all and I will try and update the blog more often!
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