After surviving my James Bond stunt, i thought it was time to start being a normal person again and do some touristy things! I was staying in a place called Rothrist, which is kind of in the middle of Zurich and Bern.The 4 days went soo fast as I was pretty busy visiting cities, but was a nice way to end off Switzerland.
So to finish off my last few days in Switzerland, my Cousins aunt and a cool-brazilian-giant(2meters tall)-artist staying with her took me to a cheese factory (yes, i know the secret of why there are holes in the swiss-cheese!!!), which was really small, like the ceiling was smaller then me, and the cheese makers are like little willy wonker helpers (umpa-lumpas?), was funny. Also went to visit Zurich, and also Bern quickly - some pretty cool bears in Bern and an actual moving clock tower once it hits 12, swiss are so random.
On my way to Freiburg, I stopped through Basel and managed to see all the main sites in 3 hours! Small City, but very nice place. Saw some suss guys getting insanely searched by police, didnt find anything though which was boring. But back to Freiburg at night to rest up! Next day was just the normal ´walk around the city and try and get lost´day. Successful as usual. Freiburg is nice, it seems to me like a hippi town, all the street stores are hippi, my hostel is full of hippis, pretty chilled out place lol. Also the guy sleeping next to me (oh yea i was in a 21 bed dorm, biggest so far!) is like a monk or something, he would sleep all day.. literally all day, then i would walk past him at 2am heading to a bar haha, was so strange.. So after finally finding my way and arriving back, met a awesome Canadian girl which we planned to go hiking up the Black Forest next day. So did that, just chatting and crunching a million leaves on the way, ended up getting along reaallyyyy well, went to see Jackass 3D in German, we were so tripped out it was so funny haha. Probably anoyed everyone else in the cinema but meh. Went out for some drinks after at the hostel, a Reggae bar and back to the hostel and chilled there all night. Really cool girl, ended up just chilling out until 6:30 am... then waking up at 8 to get ready for my train! Yea i was tired but meh im use to that kind of travel now haha. So any way, had to say goodbye to the Canadian at the train station, and it was just like the sad cliché moment from the movies. She was definately in the running for wifey for lifey, but had Europe to discover!
So any way, arrived into Ingolstadt to meet up with my old german friend Sebastien!! Had a massive german Beverian feed last night, germans eat soo much... Had a very interesting sleep, his blow up bed didnt arrive on time so i put 3 chairs together... extremely not comfortable lol. Going to pick up my bed now though so happy day. Here for a few days, so untill next time :)
- comments
Scott Harrison You got along Reaaallllyyy well ...till 630am... naice. Take photos of the Audi Headquarters if you see it in Ingoltadt! :-D
Scott Harrison P.S. Why does swiss cheese have holes? :P