IM ALIVE!!! and pumped to do it again! Skydiving was incredible, one of the most exciting things iv ever done.
The day started with a 5 hour travel back to Turin, meeting up with Austin, Tamara and man lover and dropping my stuff off at the hotel. Then another 3 hour travel to the skydiving location.. when i looked it up on google maps it only looked like 20 minutes away, was getting worried but in the end we made it! We kept staring at the sky to see if it would be a nice blue dive or if we'd be racing some rain; the weather was changing so radically it was crazy. Any whos, eventually made it and to our surprise the place was packed! We found out that it had been raining since 12 so they couldnt do any dives, so bad news for us, there was a 4 hour delay... to kill the time, just watched people jump out of planes, learnt how to juggle (thanks Austin!) and kept on complaining to the staff how long we had been waiting; and before we knew it we were up! We were the last jumpers and it had just gone to sunset, so it all worked out in the end. The jump suits were pretty cool, though mine had a massive tear on the bum, and when they put the harness on its a bit snug for us guys... But it looked cool so thats all that matters! Head up in the plane, amazing views and 13,000 feet later i was ready to go! Jumped, screamed, maybe chucked out a couple bad words, but atleast i said them with a smile :) Was incredible, messing around with the camera man, taking in the view, i could probably get addicted to the feeling. Parachute came out and got to steer it, did a couple 360's which are funnn! Soft landing straight down on my bum (guess its easier to just land on your bum then walk-land with a tandem??). Travel back to Turin late at night, smiling the entire way replaying the 'jumping out' moment over and over in my head, i recommend everyone to try it sooner or later ;) Austin and tamara also told me of their escape plans of Europe, as their visas have expired! So to avoid a 500 euro fine and a 20 year ban of Europe, they are going to travel to an eastern europe country and fly out of there. Good Luck girls!
So Turin has been nice, been doing A LOT of walking and running (getting fit for Croatia). Walked to all the shopping districts and tourist attractions during the day, which are spread out crazy from my hotel, then running at a nice park in the evening - theres so many italians that run at this park! You feel like your in a marathon, which is good in a way, pushes you harder ;) Was heading to this one church which was on the top of a hill, and noticed there was a walking path that goes around untill you reach the top, or a steep hill in the middle with a wall that i saw was Ninja-able.. So i Ninja'd up into the church, was pretty funny seeing the faces of the people that saw me randomly come up from a random part of a wall, jump over and start taking photos, then bust back down the wall. Apart from this, iv been having a war with my iphone/Vodafone... I keep getting a Vodafone message randomly throughout the day. When i woke up this morning, there was 22 messages waiting for me; theres wayyyy more during the day its anoying. Went to Vodafone today to try and fix it but no deal... lame. Went to the main tower in Turin today, its really old but they converted the inside into a cinema museum! Its quite funky!!
Was a bright and early to start my travels to Croatia!! On the train I met a really nice Italian woman who actually does business consulting!! (what i want to do), so chatted for 4 hours with her, and she thinks she can help me get a job so have my figers crossed for that! Waited in Venice for a few hours for my ferry, just chilling around. Slept on the ferry and before i knew it, BAM i was in Croatia!!! Stressfully got a taxi to my hotel-when he came he got out, put my bags in the car and said "Go", and then walked off... I wasnt sure if i had to drive myself to the hotel or not so i just waited a bit untill he came back haha. Porec looked quite nice, more like a quiet town then anything too exciting. My Hotel was more like a Resort... it had everything!! Just a shame i was only there for 1 night. Scored free dinner and breakfast - buffets aswell, they had 'anything'... was so happy, ate a bit much i think but it was so worth it (dont shake ur head at me ross). So after a nice sleep in a double bed (!!!!), early wake up to catch my 10 hour bus ride down to Split! Was nice scenery, went a lot quicker then i thought, had little breaks every 2 hours which was helpful. Also the whole way the radio was on with typical eastern Europe music, was so funny, cant really describe it, just watch Borat ;) Came into Split, found my hostel, met a few of the girls staying in my room so decided to go out for a few drinks. A really nice town, smells really bad next to the water, but all the bars are done up quite nicely and the drinks are so cheap!! Fun night, died down pretty early though, as there are no clubs here!! :( Iv also found it funny how I actually have to use the 7 times-tables here to figure stuff out (as you have to divide the croatian Kuna by 7 to get the Euro) and 7 is one of my worst!!
First and only day was chilling with the same girls as the night before, seeing touristy stuff, hanging around the markets and buying a new pair of running shoes!!! Had to buy some as shoes are so cheap here, so probably will buy another pair tomorrow morning or next week. Met two aussies today, one is heading on a different cruise boat tomorrow, but all the boats meet up at night to drink so will see him throughout the week, and the other aussie is at my hostel and possibly might be on my boat, so will see tomorrow!
Heading out on my croatian boat cruise tomorrow, so having some chilled drinks at the hostel with the new guests (as literally all yesterdays guests left and all new ones came in today) so can have a semi-earlyish night. So hope everyone has a good week, will update you on my skipper skillz when im back ;)
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