G'day!! Well do I have an entertaining, amusing, and sad blog for you all.....
So Friday 10th April- I am now in Perth, Western australia woohoo! I arrived at Perth airport after a 5 hour flight dazed and confused not quite knowing what the hell I was doing! I spoke to Ricky, he forgot about the 2 hour time difference from here to sydney, and that the flight was quite long, he'd rang Phil to check I was ok, because he hadn't heard from me to say I'd landed, bless his heart! I got a taxi as it was close to midnight when I arrived, so no buses working, this taxi cost me flipping $40!!! I stayed at a hostel called "the witches hat" which was in Northbridge, it was in a residential area, really quiet, but a cool little house, with a big pointy roof covered with fairy lights, like a witches hat funny enough! The woman was quite rude on reception, like I was inconveniencing her as it was so late. I was in a large bedroom, but I did not have a bunkbed! I was left with a put-up bed in the middle of the room, which was so saggy it was like sleeping on a hammock! I watched tv and read my book in the tv room for an hour, the place was full of French people who would just not talk to me no matter how hard I tried! Oh well, it's only the 1 night! I slept ok, until 2 drunk Irish lads came in at 4am and fell over my bed! landing on top of me, making me scream, but they apologised and then I laughed about it lol! The next day I was getting ready to check out, i went in to have a shower at 9am, as check out was 10, the bloody rudest cleaning girl was in there, she asked me to go to the other bathroom, which I abliged after her getting the hump because she had to show me where it was, THEN in the middle of my shower there's knocking on the door, she said I need to clean this bathroom now, can you go to the other one now please, I was naked and wet! I said you are joking me? ....her face said it all. SO I wrapped myself in my towel took my toiletries and went to the toilet down the hall to get dressed! Then when I was standing in the hallway with my suitcase, she walked down the hall way and sprinkled shake'n'vac all over my feet, and then started ramming the hoover against my suitcase. I stomped to the reception to complain, and then asked her to turn the hoover off, and said she was rude and GOODBYE I am leaving, and will tell my friends not to stay here!! congratulations you miserable cow!! LOL
I walked through Northbridge dragging my suitcase to meet Phil, who is staying with family in Mt.Lawley. I met him by the culteral centre, where all the gallery and museum is and a cool little market. We sat in a pub called the moon & sixpence which was like being in England! and had a drink and a chat. Everywhere you go, you hear Enlgish accents, so many English move to Perth, and most people are pretty loaded too!
I got the train from central perth station to midland, to meet Eley, and her 22 month old daughter Ella, who I was going to be working an au pair...yes, a nanny. haha. They were really nice, and she took us straight to her mum's farm, and her family home, which was on the way to york, about an hour's drive from Perth the middle of nowhere, when she said rural, she wer'nt joking!! The story is, she has sold her house which is 15 mins drive from perth in an area called stirling, and has bought land and is having a property built from scratch. In the mean time, her and ella are moving in with her mum on the farm on the 7th May. The farm is two seperate buildings linked by a walkway, and it is huge....we'll see if I last that long! lol. they are a lovely family, ricky was worrying about my swearing, but they both swore so that was ok! The farm was gorgeous, there was acres of land with wild kangaroos bounding around. I am beginning to realise what a big responsibility this is...for not a lot of money ($200 a week) but I am not spending a penny, I get free accomodation and food etc. I slept really bad, due to lady problem reasons, and was missing Ricky quite bad and feeling a little vunerable. Which was a sham because it was the best bed I've slept in so far, and the room was lovely.
Sunday 11th - easter! They bought me an easter egg, which was lovely of them. Ella is adorable, but quite hard to understand what she is saying! I think i might find this difficult because I am a walkover, and take everything personally - we shall see! We spent the afternoon watching the film australia, which was brilliant, i really enjoyed it, but it made me a little depressed missing Ricky etc, beginning to wonder what I have done, and is this going to get any easier??. We spent the evening moving bloody furniture! which I thought heyyy, I'm not even working yet! havent even said I'll take the job! I slept better this evening.
Mon 13th - spent the morning dodging spiders and dragging huge logs into a wheelbarrow and stacking them on the porch - very random! the grandma (Mary) said it was for the log fire in the frontroom which was massive, as it was going to get chilly in the evenings! Today I got a lift to the station, and went from midland to perth to see my friend Nadine from back home and her boyfriend Jamie and Phil. It was great to see them, i felt really emotional and wondered wether to take this job or not, I didn't really want to go back there i don't think. I got on the wrong train back and had to find the right one! Eley picked me up and took me back to the farm. I spoke to Ricky tonight and got really upset, he went to the cinema on his own, and I really wanted to be with him, we both said we cannot do 3 months, it's just impossible, we're both unhappy. We'll see how it goes. I would be happy doing this, or any other job as long as I could go home to him at the end of the day (sorry I know this is probably making everyone vomit, but deal with it lol!!) I decided to accept the job, and see how it goes, maybe the distraction would make it easier not being together.
Tues 14th - my first day of work!! I got my work rota - what a shock!! :
tues, 10-5, weds, 9-4, thurs 10-5 then 7-10pm!, fri 6-9, sat 9-11.30, sun 9-1, mon 8-5, tue 8-5, wed 1-9, thur 10-6, then I finally get 4 days off!!!.....
We are now at the house that's been sold in Stirling, 15mins from perth. I started my first day by telling Eley I can't do this!! But I will stay with her until she finds another au pair for Ella. I need to be in Perth with people, sectioning myself off from everyone has not done me any good, I'm just making myself ill and thinking too much! I felt awful, but I had to think of myself. I gave her the travellers at work website for her to advertise and hopefully she'll find someone soon, so I can leave and Ella won't be too attached. It was a looong first day, I was absolutely knackered. I was in bed by 7.15pm tonight! had lots of txt convo's with Ricky, and got tearful looking through my photo book my best friends hannah and sally made me, I am missing them at the moment big time. I played in the garden with Ella, she would not nap at 11.40 like her mum said she would lol, Eley went to work, so I took ella to the park - we were there 3 bloody hours!! she is like the devil's spawn, and cute at other times..she is cute, but safe to say unless it's my kid - I dont wanna know!! they are too much hard work! We came back, she had a vegemite sandwich and some juice and slept like a log through larry the lawnmower! Eley said she has a girl from New zealand interested in the job, possibly I can leave next week! yyess. had an early night and started some antibiotics for the problem keeping me awake all night!
weds 15th - slept so much better last night, took ella down the park again 3 hours once again! got on the internet today! can use eleys laptop whenever i want. spent an hour looking at rickys photos, can't believe its only been 10 days apart, this is ridiculous for me, it feels like months. went to sleep at 8.30pm lol, listening to my ipod. keep crying and listening to mushy songs, it weirdly makes me feel better??! *Eley is interviewing the nz girl thurs next week, if she is any good she will start friday so i can leave next weekend! fingers crossed.
Thurs 17th took ella to perth zoo, met up with nadine and jamie there. It was actually an enjoyable day, apart from ella sometimes being a little madam, it is sooo embarassing in public! It was nice to get out, as I spend all my time in that little house, or at the god damned park! the animals were cool, especially a baby bear playing with a ball and a lioness looking through the glass roaring at all the it bad I secretly laughed at ella's face when she pooed herself at the loud noise??! LOL. I spent the evening uploading photos onto facebook, chatted to mum. only had 1 txt from rick today, which felt weird, missing him bad today, would love to get on a plane to sydney, but will give it my best and stay here, see what happens, and let him have his freedom to find what he wants.
fri 17th i thought i started work at 6am, so I got up and sat around in the frontroom....for an hour! eley strolled in at 7am, it was meant to be 6pm I was starting...why the hell would I know that! so i got up for nothing!! was going to go to rockhampton to see nadine and jamie, and meet nadines other family, but jamie said nadine had a headache, so i met phil in perth, i bought the next book in the twilight vampire/love series called the new moon, I had my first wages of $200 in my pocket and DIDNT buy any clothes!! wow. It was such a hot day, perth has lots of nice places to sit and people watch, cant wait to explore the suburbs when i leave this place, and want to see rotnest island with phil, and hopefully lisa will be here by then too. I want to go to all the gorgeous beaches too, but its meant to start getting chilly soon?! we'll see if its chilly to an english person!
sat 18th Spent morning in park with ella, she had a fight over trying to steal a kids flip flops, she is a spoilt brat that does not know how to interact with other kids. I chilled out after work, read my book in my room did some washing. eley got chinese tonight, and we watched sex and the city on tv. me and ricky have been txting loads today, cant wait to hear the outcome of his interview on monday! this could be the decider as to whats going to happen and where i will be next! or stay in perth!?
sunday 19th - A VERY VERY SAD DAY FOR ME & MY OZ INTRO FRIENDS... Ricky rang me this morning, he told me deadly serious, our friends Ian and carl have been in an accident on their fraser island trip. Carl has been discharged from hospital, but Ian Davy -22, sadly died at the scene, along with an italian girl, everyone else was injured, the jeep had 11 people. The driver swerved to miss a wave, and the car rolled for 50metres. I went completely quiet and said you wouldnt joke about something like this would you, which was a stupid question, and then i was just saying oh my god for 10 minutes. I t was so so unreal, I was flabbergasted. I went on the internet after calling rachel in england to tell her at 3am her time! whoops, she was gobsmacked. I was on Ian's facebook wall and broke down sobbing, ella was whining in the background and i actually shouted at her MY FRIEND HAS DIED, PLEAAAASE SHUT UP ELLA. Which i fely bad about after. He had only just put his aussie photos on, his family have not seen him for 4 months, they see him having fun in his photos, and now he is gone..just like that, they muct be devestated. He was such a nice guy, so sweet and always happy, I have not had to handle death really as an adult anyway, so i'm not sure what to do with myself. I kept crying all day, ella was wanting attention non stop, luckily i got an hours peace when she fell asleep watching tv. I explained what happened to eley when she got in, and she was quite comforting, gave me a hug, and i went to my room and cried my eyes out, my eyes are welling up now writing this! This accident has really put things into perspective for me and ricky, we want to be together asap. I spent the afternoon with phil in perth, we got some food and sat by the river, both lost for words, it just does not seem real, and we feel awful for his poor poor family. I had a bad nights sleep tonight, cried a lot, my nan rang me at midnight, and I didnt go to sleep until after 1am. I finished my book tonight, in 2 days! kept reading to take my mind off things, not sure if i even read it properly to be honest. It's also scary, because, without sounding selfish, if me and ricky has stuck to our original plans ans worked in melbourne for a few months, we could have well been on the same tour as them. My thoughts are with carl, I really hope he is doing ok, and is not too traumatised. Aparently he's flying to new zealand as he has family there, he is braver than me if he carries on his trip. He spent so much time with ian, they worked on a farm together for a few months, he looks so happy in the photos. :-(
mon 20th Eley said this morning that the new nanny will have her flight paid for and she is buying her a 2nd hand car, bloody cheek!! I didnt get any of this offered to me lol. She left at 8am, and I sat ella down to watch some kids tv, while I went on the internet - big mistake!! Ian's page was full of rip messages from friends and family, it made me sob so much, I vowed to not go on his page for a while again. The accident is in the news now, and he has been named, he would be so happy to know he is famous, and was in the bbc news, and all the papers back home bless him, like ricky said to me, atleast he died having the time of his life. I cleaned up for a bit, then played in the garden with ella. Mary came round at 10 to drive us an hour away! to ellas doctor, she was due a jab - i hope it hurts as much as she slapped her mum the other day!! lol. the nan is sweet but very annoying and overly fussy, she has to instuct me on everything like i am an imbicil or something, even on how to unlock and lock the door, I am finding it hard to be polite and not snap at the moment, i really am. we were an hour early! so we went into bunnings, which is like a b&q here but crap! ella was a nightmare, showing off, stealing things, mary was shocked when ella hit her and bit her and was screaming, everyone was looking, mary said how embarassing, she has never been like this. a lady said oh what a pleasant child, and i nearly wet myself, which mary did not find amusing! I hate to say it, but shes only like it when her nan or mum are around!! she's coming up to the terrible 2's age, they need to start showing her some tough love, all she knows is adults around her that do everything for her and baby her. she's awful with other kids, eley reckons shes advanced for her age, and is not sending her to nursery until shes 4 rather than 3, because she doesnt want to make her get behind in her development - what a load of b******s, and what a big mistake. I have met younger kids at that park who are a lot more advanced than ella, i wish eley could see that. I spoke to ricky tonight, job interview went well so ive no doubt i'll be moving to sydney soon! shame its cold and rainy there! unlike perth. We went to a shopping centre and i got the next twilight book in the series - eclipse.
tues 21st ella was hard work today, the days are getting longer! The job wont take on ricky for another 3 weeks, which is a shame as I know it's the boost he needs at the moment, so our plans have changed and i think he's going to come here! yayyy. It makes sense as its the next place to visit on the list, and he has family here in warwick who he has never met. I am starting to ring around for rooms/apartments to rent around perth suburbs&city. I have no doubt we will find work here no problems. I am looking for cheap and nice, we have to be sensible with our money. the cheapest ive found is $143 each per week, which is basically 10 english pounds a day! not baaad at all!
weds 22nd its my last day tomorrow!! i cant beleive it. I took ella to the park this morning, then watched tv all afternoon because it was raining. dave called me to tell me he had flown from cairns to hervey bay to see carl for a bit. I'm not sure what dave will do, either go to nz with carl, or go back to cairns or come to perth. It must have been hard for dave as he was on his own, and is not sure what his plans are next, I hope he's ok, he sounded so sad on the phone. I will call him soon to check up on him. Today is the first day I have not shed a tear! thank god, I am all dried up. Trying to think positively, I bet ian's family were so proud of him for coming out here, and i hope mine are as proud of me. I feel very lucky to have the friends and family i do in my life, and now i have ricky, that makes it even better. :-) RIP Ian, bless your heart x
thurs 23rd MY LAST DAYYYYYY I am so so happy. It was long, but sweet, Ella has been the most loving she has been, its safe to say she's attached to me, all you hear all day is aaaammyyyy aaaamyyyy, think the mum felt left out sometimes. But that was a big problem, because the job was live in, I could never get away from her!! unless she was in bed, I had to lock myself in my room to get time to myself, and then i felt bad because eley was always wanting me to drink wine and watch tv with her. I just wanted a chat with my mum, a cuddle with my boyfriend and some bloody peace and quiet! I have organised a few viewings of apartments, can't wait to get it sorted so ricky can fly out and we can be reunited yayyy!!! :-D
fri 24th I went into perth on my first day of freedom, and basically spent all the money I had made in those 2 weeks!! whoops, i bought some designer shoes for $180!! and some skinny jeans. I went back to eleys and got ready - me, her, and 3 of her girlfriends were going out tonight, and she had one aim- TO GET ABSOLUTELY HAMMERED. hahaha. which she succeeded in!! I had champagne, wine and beer, so had hiccups all night, couldnt walk (yesss i got blisters from the damn shoes!!) phil met us, the bars were so cool, I love perth it's brilliant, can't wait for ricky to get here and it experience it with me. ended up in bed by 1am!! and had a massive headache. It was a good night, and I felt like i was out with the cast from sex and the city! middle aged women all on the pull, i felt like the odd one out. But the men were everywhere! and they dont care, there were married men who just flirt with you and they dont care. One bloke said he was a vicar, and i had been naughty and he could get rid of my sins, my reply was im sorry....but your...old. To which eley burst out laughing, and that soon got rid of him! what a twat. I sent loads of embarassing txts to ricky and spoke to him for ages hiccuping! whoops. He has booked his flight to perth!! i was so so happy, i had to speak to him. He arrives weds 29th in the morning, I shall be there waiting for him with a placque saying WILSON hahaha. So I spent my last night at eleys, she wanted me to stay the whole weekend, but i just want to leave now.
sat 25th I moved out! think eley was really sad, and im sure ella wont understand, but she will forget in time. She is going to daycare because the nanny was no good. daycare is cheaper,and i am so glad she's going to learn how to behave around children now. I moved into a hostel called billabong, its nothing special, but it feels ggrrreat to be in a hostel again! I cannot describe!! i made friends right away with 2 german girls and a welsh girl called nesta in my room, their lovely. the hostel is really friendly, and has a tv room, movie room, sports room, gym etc, and a nice pool with loads of places to sit and read etc. It's not far from where phils staing and lisa is arriving here tomorrow, so she can hospefully get in the same room as me. Me and phil went to view a room in an apartment in northbridge, it was a brill location, but a bit too dated and small i think, after speaking to ricky, i have a good feeling about the 2 i am viewing on monday (anzac day!! public holiday, a bit like our ve day, but a big deal! lol) got one in mt lawley and one in scarbrough, which is 10mins bus ride from the city and by a lovely beach! the photos for this one look promising! also phil is house sitting for a neighbour, and its a 5 bed place, so me and ricky are able to stay there with him for a bit too, while we're sorting ourselves out, which is handy and nice of phil to suggest. so thats another option, so atleast i dont have to pay for a hostel. I felt rough today! had a massive meal at nando's ate every bit of it, then i slept for 2 hours solid!, i just feel completely relaxed, and theres no screaming kid in the background to wake me up!! right so thats me all up to date now!! I am off o sit around the pool with nesta and meet some new people before I go to bed, I'm off to a retro market with phil tomorrow, so that should be cool. Hope everyone is well, will do another blog once I have a pad and my gorgeous boyfriend is here! love you all xxxxxxxx amy
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