Well Hello!
Not sure where I got up to in my diary! so i shall kick off from tues 30th June. Nothin much has been happening in Perth. there are no jobs for backpackers, I had a stint at a "photography assistant" in a shopping centre, which was a complete lie and a pile of poo. Ricky is cleaning at a hostel joined to a language school, he works 2-3 times a week, his shifts start at 6am and it makes him feel like crap! but it just pays his half of the rent for the flat. The flat is driving us nuts, we spend so much time there, little things are annoying us like you have to flush the toilet 3 times for it to stop making noises, the hot water is sooo unbelievably hot you scald yourself even when you turn the cold tap on! the ants are my demon, they cover our toothpaste, mouthwash, sink, they come out from behind the taps, the windows, they are all over the steps outside, you cannot leave food out because they find it and all of a sudden theres millions of them! they get in the sugar if you dont seal the bag properly. It drives me nuts. Also the tv reception is so bad, we have channel 10.....yes one channel!! the adverts and same tv programmes drive us nuts. Our tv day consists of.... Dr Phil! Oprah, Hugheys cooking advertures, the bold and the beautiful, judge judy, news, neighbours, simpsons, masterchef, svu. Now that sounds like a good line up but this is what we watch EVERY DAY. We have been getting out lots of dvd's, it's been so cold and stormy in Perth we have'nt been able to go out anywhere. We have given up looking for jobs, as the main reason is....Rick has been offered a job teaching English in China.
After a long time umming and arring over it, he has decided he will go and do the 2 weeks training, and see what he thinks. To get there he has to fly to singapore, then hong kong where he wants to see spurs play, then make his way to northern china on the border of mongolia and russia!! the place is a dustbowl with nothing around, probably weird food, and apparently his dad reckons people go there and never come back! they go missing! so as you can guess, i am not overly keen on him doing this, I'd rather he was safe. So, I am thinking I am going to be on my own again for a while, or possibly the rest of my trip, so I need to start thinking about myself. Money is seriously running low now, so i am going to either go home and visit thailand on the way home on my credit card, or get ajob for the rest of my visa in Aus to save up. I am so so tempted to go home, so I have been applying for outback jobs where you get accomodation and sometimes food included as this will save up so much more money, and I cannot be arsed looking for accomodation wherever I end up.
I get a phone call from my mum saying that my Dad is going to be in Singapore! So she pays for me to fly there, which should be a nice break....from doing nothing!! lol.....
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