Hi All,
Thought it had been a while and I had better update you all as to what is happening!
SO! ...... As far as I KNEW Ricky told me he was arriving early in the morning on Weds 29th April. On Monday 27th April I viewed a very cute little apartment in Mt Lawley, it was extremely cute, the nicest one I'd seen so far and I loved it. The next day, Tuesday 28th I had to check out of my hostel Billabong and move in to the big house Phil was house sitting for a few weeks. I was sad to leave the hostel, but happy because Ricky was arriving tomorrow! So I packed up my suitcase and checked out. Dragged the suitcase down Beaufort street to meet Phil. I booked a wax at a beauty shop on the way for that afternoon - which I was nervous about because my little Hannah normally does it for me at home! I rang Phil and said what do I do, can I come and move my stuff in? He said not till later, the cleaner was round, so i thought oh Ok then, what should I do? He said I'll meet you in the coffee shop called SOTO, so I said Ok then. After 5 mins, I had realised I had walked too far, so turned round and eventually found it. By this time it was lunchtime, so I ordered myself a sandwich and hot chocolate and sat outside. As I looked down the street, I saw Phil walking over the hill with a tall guy with a hoodie on, I saw phil shove the bloke behind a bush, and me being completely stupid, thought nothing of it, and asumed it was Phil's cousin's boyfriend. Phil walked straight past me into the coffee shop mumbling something about it being cold and wanting to sit inside. I said you what?? are you still hungover? it's boiling hot. So I went inside. I sat on the leather couch, and Phil was begging me to swap seats with him, I said no! sit next to me if you want to sit on the couch you freak! lol. I just took a massive bit of my sandwich when I saw someone standing next to Phil, I looked up and my mouth dropped open (with hald the chicken sandwich hanging out so I was told!) I was absolutely gobsmacked to see Ricky standing there. He smiled and then said well say something then!! I started hysterically laughing and trying to swallow my food, and buried my head against the wall, I could not believe it. Eventually he came and sat next to me and hugged me, I could'nt look him in the face, I thought I was going mad the first thing I thought was hmmm maybe he has a brother that looks exactly the same. hahaha! how stupid of me. It was one of the nicest things anyone has done for me! It was so weird, and then I realised that Phil had been in on this for the past week or so, after ringing my mum to tell her the news, she was in on it too!! as was Lisa when we met her afterwards. I could not believe it at all. I t was so so nice. (He had flown from Sydney that morning and was knackered) It was lovely :-) So we both moved into phil's neighbours for a week while we look for an apartment, and I didn't let him go for the next 2 days until it sank in that he was actually there lol.
Weds 29th April, I got the call that the flat in Mt lawleay that I liked was ours if we wanted it, luckily Ricky could come and check it out now he was here, and he loved it too, so we signed the 6 months agreement, and move in on Monday! We spent most of the time round Phil's getting up late, lazing round watching tv, playing wii and living in luxury! had an evening in the hot tub and jumping in the pool! that was pretty cool.
Saturday 2nd May we took the train into freemantle, it's really nice there, we had fish and chips by the harbour. We went into Subiaco on the way to view a sofa for our apartment, which we bought, it's just a little 2 seater cream cord one, only $100! which is like 50 quid.
Sunday 3rd May, we paid the bond + 2 weeks rent and got the keys from Jen to our new little apartment!
Mon 4th May - MOVING IN DAY. We moved out of Phil's place, and into our flat. After unpacking all our stuff and having a nose about, we walked into the city and went shopping in target (my fave shop here and in usa!) we bought a dvd player, 3 dvd's, a duvet, 2 pillows, bedding&pillow covers (red waffle!) fitted sheet, matress protector, candles, tea towels for $280 (140 quid!) bargain. We went to a little 24 hour shop on the corner of the shop in the evening, and supplied ourselves with strawberry milk, apple juice, jelly beans! and some bread so ricky could have his fave cheese and pickle sandwich lol. We watched our dvd's and felt nice and cozy in our new little pad, which looked nice and homely already. The next night our sofa was delivered, and we did some cool art work to hang on the walls. We got some nice new home cards from my friends and family which was really sweet, we love getting mail in our tiny mailbox!
It was Ricky's 29th birthday on sunday 10th May! I went a bit mad and got him some cool t shirts, l'occitaine shave balm, dvd, chocolates and other little bits. Mum got him some issey miyake aftershave. He got lots of nice cards and money, lottery tickets, books from his family back home, and family here! We had our friends round to the flat, sunk a few bottles of wine and watched stand by me.
During this time, We have met up numerous times with Ricky's lond distance family he has over here in Perth, they are all really nice and there is loads of them! they take us out or invite us round for dinner quite a lot, they have a gorgeous big house, and Olive, his great nan is so sweet.
Today is Wednesday 20th May, we have been applying like mad for jobs, but still no luck! it seems Perth is a hard place to get work on a working holiday visa, a lot of jobs want you to be an Aussie resident. Ricky starts a job on Friday, just cleaning a hostel/student accomodation 6am!! - 1pm on fridays/saturdays/sundays. It pays the rent, so it's a nice little earner really, although we both know he's probably going to hate it. I might have a possible interview for a part time photography assistant, and that's about it so far! We will keep trying, as we have a 6 month lease, and I would hate to be unsuccessful and have to leave Perth and loose our $1200 bond! But if months go by, it may resort to that! we'll see - fingers crossed something will come up soon. We may have to pay $90 to do a 6 hour course called RSA (responsible service of alcohol) so we can get a job in a bar or waitressing. It's just irritating because Ricky did a barista course, learnt how to make coffee, and coffee shops won't take him due to lack of experience! you just cannot flipping win here it seems! So that's it really at the moment! nothing big to report, just struggling for work! I'll put my most recent photos on for you now.
It's my Sal sal's birthday on Sunday 24th, HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD ONE SAL XXX
Amy xxxxxx
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