Bruno was pretty funny! I'm thinking Bali is a nice idea, but I would have to book that on my credit card, and then my flight to london if I go home, as I am low on money now. This plan, or getting work in Oz are now my only options!
Tuesday 14th..... they say things happen for a reason! the recruitment woman got in touch today, and thank god, she has a job for a coupple!! it's at a roadhouse (basically a large old fashioned service station) in rural western australia! 2 people are leaving the posts at the end of july, so it works out perfectly for us, we will wait to hear back from her.
Weds 15th - went to see Harry potter and the half blood prince, and was completely let down by it!! the opening scene on the bridge was good, but that was about it!
Thurs 16th, we basically are trying to sort out the bond on our apartment, as it would be great to get that $1200 back, $600 each more in the bank! We are starting to think she is doing us over, we are restless, getting dvd's a lot and going to the cinema to get out!
Sat 18th - Rickys last day of cleaning!! yay over the past few months, he has found tampons, condoms, chinese boys masturbating in their rooms, turds in the showers, and his colleague even found a dead body that had been dead all over the weekend! safe to say he is very happy to leave :-)
Sunday 19th - Masterchef, the one thing helping us get through our time in perth comes to an end!! Julie won, and now what will we do??! hahaha
Monday 20th - Mum told me dramatically this week (I thought she was going to say "I have cancer") No - it turned out that Reggie one of my dogs back home had an operation to remove some matter in his anal gland. He has a cone on his head and no hair on his arse like a baboon, but is happy and fine and going to the toilet, so that's good.
Tues 21st July - Jamie Garrett's birthday! happy birthday dude! We found out more about the jobs today, they are ours, we start the 31st July, we have to get a train to kalgoorlie, 7 hours away! Its an old gold mining town, red dirt, blue skys, closer to the centre so hopefully the weather is a bit warmer!! we work as all rounders, so cooking, cleaning and serving customers. We work in a place called Coolgarlie for 6 weeks, then head 3 hours north and work in leonora for 6 weeks, so the 3 months should fly by. Pay is $17.60 p/hour starting, and that should increase, 40 hours a week, 8 hours a day, we get free accomodation, which is our own room in a house, shared with the other backpackers who work there too. so the only thing we pay for is our food, so we should be ale to save up around $8000, in those 3 months, and then we also get all our tax back when we leave the country too! so thats a little extra when we leave also. Wednesday 22nd - a couple came to view the flat today with the landlady jennifer. We went out, and got back early, to find jennifer stinkin piper, the landlady sitting in the flat waiting for a girl to view the flat, as we walked in the door, it absolutely stunk, it was rank, she had obviously come round to our freshly- we have people coming to view - scrubbed to perfection flat, and taken what Ricky calls "a bangin' sh*t" in our loo and it wafted round the whole flat!!! and she just sat there chatting like it was nothing!!1 we couldnt get out of the door quick enough to take some dvd's back!! and thank god she and the smell was gone on our return!! hahahaha.
Thursday 23rd - typical!! Cher newmann got in touch and has asked us to dog sit sascha again for 3 weeks in september!! ofcourse we had to say no we will be working in the country!
Fridat 24th - I got txts from hannah and sally at 11pm, then 4am saying whats wrong with reggie, Jess's status on facebook has startled them, i started panicking, checked facebook, and her status said "jess is devestated, i love you reggie" i started getting upset, i thought reggie has died and none of them have told me. The only person i could get through to was my nan, and she said no he isn't dead, but he had cancer, that was what they removed, and they don't know how long he will live, could be 6 months, could be a year or two. i was very upset, and I just hope he stays and waits for me to say hello before I have to say bye, by the time i come home :-( poor Reggie.
Tuesday 28th July - So here we are up to date!! We got news the job wanted us there earlier now! so we booked our train tickets ysterday, we leave at 7am on thursday 30th. we have singed the bond forms on our flat, so after fat bum jennifer has done her final inspection - to which she had the cheek to remind ME to clean the flat, its been bloody cleaner while ive been there since it was when we moved in!! the cheek of the woman. So fingers crossed she wont do us over and will give us the bond money back. That's about it really! I have been informed we probably wont get phone reception, so I will be keeping my diary up to date, so I can give you all a laugh about our time working in the outback! with our silly hats on! hahaha yes, we have to wear hats.
Love to you all, speak soon, Amy xxxx
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