We had a great time with Paula and Bill. They fixed up a wonderful guest room retreat for us and showed us what amazing hosts they are. Dinner at The County Line on the lake was delicious, and the thunderstorm added spark to the ambiance. After dinner, we watched Couples Retreat and had a good time laughing (mostly Paula was laughing) through it. It was a cute movie.
Bill stayed up with us the whole time even though he had just returned from an overnight flight himself.
The Happy Stringer B&B provided a sweet breakfast and even a scrumptious bar-be-que lunch before we headed to the airport for our overnight flight to London. The short stay with the Stringers was much fun; the best part just getting to visit and catch up with two of our favorite people. We need to do this more often.
Bill stayed up with us the whole time even though he had just returned from an overnight flight himself.
The Happy Stringer B&B provided a sweet breakfast and even a scrumptious bar-be-que lunch before we headed to the airport for our overnight flight to London. The short stay with the Stringers was much fun; the best part just getting to visit and catch up with two of our favorite people. We need to do this more often.
- comments
Paula Love this! What a awesome way to share your trip with us. I think this was probably the best part of your trip though-we miss you guys.I think this is just absolutely wonderful. Loved reading all your entries. Do you have this "combined" with your other trips? Read's like a book!We went to Mobile this weekend. Had just a wonderful time getting away. We are going to do more of this. One trip per month.Tell me older brother hello!