Barbara's latest entry
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Being on the small Pacific Princess ship was great again today. No long lines at disembarkation! We spent the short time after we had to vacate our mini-suite in the Platinum Lounge where they had coffee, tea, and breakfast snacks. Our disembarkation group was called right on time. We got through all the rigmarole easily and were on the tra…
Paula Love, love every word. So glad our "friends" at United have you an upgrade! Lol. I know you are having a wonderful time.
re: Starting Outasadul beautiful
re: Touring southeast of LondonIgnacio En machu pichu, un lugar sagrado me estafaron. Tengo 25 años soy argentino y tuve un increible viaje por Bolivia y finalmente Machu Pichu, Peru. Sin embargo allí tuve la desagradable experiencia de encontrarme con un organismo público como es el instituto de cultura que regula todo lo referente a la gran ciudad Inca y vivir la burocracia y el capitalismo una vez más. Pero lo peor del caso es que lo viví en un lugar sagrado. Senti mucho asco, otra vez la gente grande haciendole mal al mundo y a los niños como todavia me siento..
re: Highlight of the TripPaula Love this! What a awesome way to share your trip with us. I think this was probably the best part of your trip though-we miss you guys.I think this is just absolutely wonderful. Loved reading all your entries. Do you have this "combined" with your other trips? Read's like a book!We went to Mobile this weekend. Had just a wonderful time getting away. We are going to do more of this. One trip per month.Tell me older brother hello!
re: Visiting Paula and BillCourtney Jeffries Wow!
re: Buda side of the DanubeCourtney Jeffries beautiful!
re: Touring southeast of LondonCourtney Jeffries I see you!
re: Tuesday on the DanubeBarbara Italian, so we didn't get caught up on the gossip they were sharing.
re: Back to the ApartmentBarbara I did have my camera with me, but ... It was better not to make a fuss. Any self-respecting dog would have been humiliated, if she had known how silly she looked.
re: One day in Florence is not enoughCourtney Jeffries Were they speaking English? If so, at least you could easily eavesdrop!
re: Back to the ApartmentCourtney Jeffries What? No picture of the dog? :)
re: One day in Florence is not enoughBrad This was great--I really enjoyed the narrative and pictures. Super adventure.
re: Time to leave Peru