ahhhh! i will be home basically what is tomorrow here... thats when i start my trek home anyway, how weird is that?! i cant believe that tomorrow at midnight ill get picked up from my house by Souleymane and be on my way back to the states at about 3am local time!! ahhhhh! crazy!!
i am glad to be going home but i will miss so much here, i made a list yesterday of all of the things i will miss, and it was pages and pages long, there are few things that i will not miss, among them the flies, the mosquitos, the mouse who likes to come into my room and night and be very (surprisingly) loud, there was one other things, but i dont even remember what it was, ill put the list of things im going to miss up later, it would take too long at the moment considering im doing most of my packing this afternoon, since i have the time, plus i could never remember it all off the top of my head...
im really going to miss my family though, and the delicious mangoes the likes of which ive never tasted before in my life and am sad i cant bring home with me, and the cantelope here which taste so much better than at home, because they can be grown deliciously and naturally all year round... i also will miss how fresh and natural all the food is here, its funny because people buy fresh fruits and vegetables for each meal they make, its never really like that in the u.s. because you cant just walk a block and have a fruit and veggie vendor there...
i will really miss the food, speaking of, i have three favorite meals i think you could say, one of which is the national dish of senegal, its called thieboudienne and i will be driving to cinci every once in a while this fall semester to get it!! as well as a couple of other dishes that arent quite so quintissentially senegalese but that i will still crave in the u.s.
i am really excited to get to go to the zoo at least once this summer, and i hope with my sweetheart, but i am not excited about having basically no money...damn being sick and seeing a private doctor in senegal (and why did we see a private doctor... or rather why did a private doctor see us?)...
in any case, i miss you all but i am getting increasingly sad to be leaving this place, and all of the wonderful people here whose aquaintance i have made if not friendship : ( 49 hours until ill be in dayton (for you, less than that for me), and about 44 hours (for you) until im back in the us!! ahhhh crazy!
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