hey everyone!!! everything is going really well dont want those of you who havent heard from me yet to worry or anything. im having a blast the city and country are amazing but kinda different
my host family is great i really enjoy their company and the great conversations we have together...
have visited different places here in dakar... downtown (which is totally nuts haha) different neighborhoods and goree island which was where slaves where held for transport from around africa and then taken around the world. it was beautiful but disturbing at the same time. there is no way for me to put up any pictures on the computers in the cyber cafes so you will all have to wait until i get back to see them, ill post a lot of them when i get back and for once in my life, im actually taking a lot of pictures.... well i hope everything is good in indiana and everywhere else that you all are...
see you all in 3.5 weeks!!!
ps. i saw on tv that obama is making moves to establish a palestinian state wow!!! give me any other updates that i need!!!
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