hello all,
so im sorry if that last post was a little bleugh... i guess i was feeling a little my flight has been scheduled now for the 10th instead of the 9th who knows why... so i will technically be arriving in the states to atlanta very early thursday i think...
yesterday we went to Ngor beach and took a pirogue (the kind of fishing boats) out to Ngor Island which was full of Baye Falls (or maybe they were Baye Faux as the pretenders are called)... we hung out in a little cove, a bunch of us, for a while and swam a little, there were some rocks way out that if one could keep their balance well enough, you could stand on and it looked like you were coming up out of the water, we tried taking some pictures like that but fell down every time...
the people are so nice here, whenever i speak a little wolof people are really thankful that im (as a toubab) trying to learn the local language... which to me only seems right, its a fairly uncomplicated language, so learning it wouldnt be too hard i dont think... and i might ask karim to teach a convversational course next semester when hes no longer on sabatical for a couple of credit hours... that would be really fun, i think, and would help me to learn another language that can be learned pretty quickly i guess...
today, i got my boubou back, and so now i have a beautiful blue and orange boubou coplete with headwrap and a dress thats red and blue with a headwrap!! they are beautiful and were tailored very well with great but simple detail, and it wasnt horrible to buy them either... its the only true purchase i have made for myself and im really glad that i did!!
now i have 4 days left in senegal and i am really happy that i am here, but im startign to get slightly homesick for people not the place... i would just as son bring my loved ones here and stay in this place... i think that would be better...
so even though its going to take slightly longer than expected, i will see you all soon... im so glad i have my host family here, i really love them as peopl, they are wonderful, and as my host mom said last night when i made sure it was okay for me to stay in the room i have for an extra day, you could stay a month and id be happier, ill be very sad when you leave!! aww, right?!
see you all soon!!
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