Hey all!!!
We are now in a place called Airlie beach. We arrive here on wednesday after a 10 hour bus journey. We were ment to stop off at a place called Townsville on the way down to Airlie to break up the bus trip, but when we arrived there the rain was bounching off the pavement so we decided to continue on down to Airlie where the weather was excatly the same lol!!! The weather here is humid its not nice u feel sticky all the time and the rain doesnt help!!!
On arrival in Airlie we got a room in the Magnums hostel which is just like a wee log cabin so were all afraid that there is bugs everywere (we have already seen a Rhino Beatle which was massive and a lizard) After we left our stuff in we went out and had some drinks at the karaoke. myself and Ally both sang lol with Ally being amazing as usual though it was a bit like the xfactor cause everyone was really good!!!!
During the day we have just been shopping (were thinking of buying a digaredoos to annoy the neighbours with) cause the weather is so bad!!! Last night before we went out we had this stuff called Goon which is the backpackers drink of choice here cause its so cheap its a 4 litre bag of wine and is Which costs about 4 pounds fifty 50p and its like rocket fuel at 19% lol! We went to a place called Muma Afrcia's were the music was really gd and we had an amazing wee night i think in part thanks to the goon lol!! The Socks even enjoyed themselves there 2 bopping it out on the dance floor! We have some pics up of Airlie courtsey of Ally but I forgot my camera today when we came to write this so will post mine soon!!!
Tomorrow were heading out on a boat (complete with our Goon) to the Whitsunday islands for 3 days and 2nights so prob not be able to e-mail or update the blog till after that!!! While we are out on the boat though we can go snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef so that should be an amazing experience!!! The only thing is that its jellyfish season so we gotta hire stinger suits and stuff to make sure we dont get stung cause certain ones can kill you!!!!
After the boat trip we are heading to Fazer Island were its all outback and sand dunes there u have to drive a large 4x4 and camp out and cook ur own food using a camp fire!
We have so much happening this week so the updates should be eventful!
Love and miss everyone
Ally and Joleen xxxx
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