Hey everyone, arrived in Australia safe and well. It was an emotional reunion with the other girls. It seems the secret wasn't so well kept as Sarah was the only one who didn't know of Jo's arrival, thanks to Ash's mum lol!! On leaving the aiport the heat just hit us in the face like being blown with a hairdryer, made worse as we were dressed in jeans and hoodies lol!! The girls took us back to our Hostel and it seemed like 5star luxuary compared to the holes we've stayed in elsewhere. Theres a pool and more importantly comfy beds hehe! So we off-loaded our stuff and hit the pool with our factor 30 lol!! (we look like pasty petes compared to the girls).
After a day by the pool we all needed an ice cold beer (Joleen hates the beer everyone else loves it). So we all went to happy hour at the hostels bar and meet some people on the decking area called Carla, Mike, And 2 french guys who had a strange obsession with Ashleigh!! After playing some drinking games we all hit Gilligan's nite club for more drinks and dancing!!!
The day after the night before we all woke up some a bit worse for wear!!! Got ready and headed down to the Esplande or locally known as the lagoon ( a huge open air swimming pool) spent most of the day here then went to the night markets. Had an early night as we were going white water rafting the next morning and our pick up time was 6:30am
Pick up time for the rafting came so early the next moring with most of us just sleeping on the hour and half bus journey down the Tully river!! On getting there the four of us were assigned to 1 raft with the guide Nori who was from Japan. Nori spoke with a thick japanese accent, so we felt like we were sailing blind as we couldnt make out a word he was saying!!!!!!!!!!!!! But it was so much fun we all loved it! When I fell out of the boat Making an idoit of myself all the others could do was piss themselves laughing at me!! I on the other hand didnt find this funny at all, I still maintain Nori made me fall out on purpose. lol!! After a long day at the rafting we headed home and some of us slept from we got in till the next day.
Monday was Australia Day here and it was a public holiday! So we all got ready complete with I love Australia on our faces and Australia flags on our arms needless to say it was a messy day had by all. Ending at the lagoon were everyone went swimming too much drink and swimming not a good combo especially if all parties involved dont have their swimwear on!!!! HaHa
Got so much planned for the next week we are heading to Whitsunday islands and Fraser Island!!! So we will have loads to tell ya in our next update.
Love and miss u all
Ally and Joleen
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