Just a quick msg!!! We are finally on our way home! :( were both so sad to be leaving, but happy to be seeing our loved ones again!!! Thanks for all the msg from home while we've been away!!! See u all soon xoxoxox
Anne J
Hey Ally!!! Can't believe your on your way home already! Weve really enjoyed the blogs and photos and can't wait to see you and hear all about it! Have a safe journey home and see you when you get back! xox
Kerry & Glenn
Hi Ally!!!!!!!!! How the hell r ya hun????? didnt even know you wer jetting off then to learn you will be cumin back soon! lol.... your pics are fab, weathers s***e here... cold, snow, rain, hail..... missing you like a hole in the head, bring on cypress!!!!!
ta for now........ kerry & glenn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Ally! Cant believe its near time for you to come home! It has flown. Have enjoyed your FB updates and all your photos. We are looking forward to a catch up and to hearing all of your biz :o) See you soon xo
Lynsey B (Soon K!)
Hey Ally!
had a read at your blog there and seems u n jo have had such a great trip!! Look forward to seeing u when u get back to sunny belfast!
luv ya xx
hey ally bally, good to see your seeing the sights and having fun, miss you a weeeee bit :-) x
Sarah X
Your photos look amazing guys, miss you both so much. Love you xo
Hey Joleen, I can't believe your amazing holiday is nearly over, it has just flown in!!!! Your not missing much this end. The only craic I have is I became an auntie again on Valentines Day!!! Ellie Anne - 6lb 15oz. She is beautiful - but still wouldn't entice me to have 1 lol!!!!! Enjoy the rest of your holiday, c u soon x
Mags And Owen Xoxo
hi hun,only got the internet in can talk to you at last x glad you all are having a good time, looks fantastic. you are not missing anything back home but the usual gorgeous weather pmsl. wee man is getting big ,walking around the furniture now oh no haha. all is good hun and dont worry havent moved far only to the bootom of the hollywood road, you cant get rid of me that easy haha.talk soon, take care
mags and owen xoxo
Hi ally and crew,hows things,so the hostel you were staying in wasnt up to standered then.thats bad,so hows the leg with the bites jo.hows you keeping ally,hope your safe and well by the sounds of the messages your deadon and enjoying,glad to here,surfers paradise eh,big waves haha..did yas not try out the surfing,i wouldnt wooo sharks .i see you added me ally on bebo lol..well enjoy your last few weeks.see ya hopefully wen ya get back and settled,then your birthday wat age 25 ooh getting old haha..im away now to get cuppa and bite to eat..hopefully not the bugs biteing me. haha see yas.xxx
Hey all
Just a quick msg to say that we r in a place called Coff's Harbour but there is no telephone signal here so we prob wont be able to get in touch with everyone back home until Monday morning!!!! I am missing u all like crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adam Love u round the world and to the stars and back!!!!
See u all in 2wks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi ally hows ya been,looks like yous are having a whale of a time,loving the photos,especially the one were your holding the koala bear awww how nice,you look well with the tan lol.hope yous are all keeping well and safe,well the weather over here hasnt been to good with rain and snow,so im bit jealous.haha.well take care off yourself and the rest of yous,enjoy the rest of your holidays,ohh and hows the leg since you been away..well take care of yourself and the rest of the crew lol,miss ya.bye 4 now ally.x