Hey all time for yet another update from our exciting travels. This one may be pretty long as it was so eventful!!!!!
We finally arrived into Rainbow beach on Wednesday morning at 07:30am after a 14 hour bus journey on a cockroach infested bus!!!!! It was so bad that I had to take a sleeping pill (Thanks Jillian lol) When we got there we were told we had to wait till 11am to get our rooms!! so we walked to the beach for a bit and then got breakfast before checking in.
When we got to our rooms we found that we were sharing with two guys called Sam and Matt we all got on so well and had such a laugh that we decided we would all go in the same jeep when it came to organising our groups for Fraser Island. Also in our group was Mick and Ronan from Ireland who the other girls had already before in Halong Bay and two girls from Canada called Sarah and Jill!!! From the off all 11 of us got on so well and spent the night before the trip to Fraser together getting organised and having a few drinks!!! For the trip we were required to make out a drinks shopping list ours consisted of 15 boxes of Goon, 4 bottles of vodka and 1 bottle of Sothern comfort. (Can you tell were this is going yet??)
The next moring it was up at 5:30 for a final shower before we left civalisation. Sam and Matt where not to pleased to be woken up at this time of the day!!!!! but it had to be done!!! We had a pancake breakfast before it was time to load the jeeps. After the jeeps were loaded we set off with Ally at the wheel!!! Fraser Island is a 75 mile beach island so there were no roads and u drive on sand tracks but Ally was really good at driving!!!! 1st order of business was to name our team and our jeep. We came up with team Goonies and the name of the truck was Jalloppy!!!!
When we got to Fraser we went to lake Mackenizie which is a large clear blue fresh water lake with the whitest sand we have ever seen!!!! It was like what we have always imagined pardise to look like!!! We spent all day by the lake sunbathing and swimming!!!! Then it was time to set up camp a.k.a Club F. Here we made dinner and one 2 many drinks from our surplus supplies!!!!!
The next day it was up bright and early with a few of us, namely me (jo!) and Ash feeling worse for wear!!! But we headed up to Indian Point, a high rock cliff from which we spotted sharks and turtles it was so amazing to see them in the wild!!!! Then from here it was down to Eli Creek where we sunbathed by the creek for a while. Then we went to the Mareno Shipwreck which was washed up onto the beach back in 1935. Then from here it was back for another mad night at club F, where we had drinking games and Cross dressing men and again a few to many drinks. There were lots of Dingos about which made going to the toilet hard as we were all scared of them lol!!!
The next day it was the guys turns for hangovers. We packed up and headed to Lake wabbi Which agian was so good, then it was time to go home!!! When we got back we only had 5 boxes of goon left so we did pretty well!!!!
Back at Rainbow beach we showered (to get all the sand off) changed and all the goonies now clean headed out to dinner, in the sports club across the road from our accomadation!!!
From here we are now heading to brisbane.
Love and miss u all!!!
Ally and Jo xxxx
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