I took a boat yesterday to the third island in the cluster Koh Tao. The boat was so packed full of people, I guess they were all told the same thing as me, that Koh tao was the place to go to relax after the full moon!!
The waves were pretty big and the ride was quite rough. By the time we arrived I think everyone was wishing they'd paid out more for the smooth Catamaran. Met a great Swedish girl called Christina on the boat, she did her travelling a while ago but couldn't settle at home so she came back out to the islands for a holiday. We've planned to do some touring of the island together tommorrow.
When I first got off the boat it was quite strange, lots of people were offering taxi's but there was none of the usual hard sell on accommodation. When I arrived at the beach I realised why- THERE WAS NO ACCOMMODATION TO SELL.
Most of the places here offer free rooms to those doing dive courses and seem to hold back places for potential divers, leaving nothing for us lazy people. I wandered along the beach front with a hundred other backpackers trying to find a place to stay and eventually got so tired of looking I gave up and checked into an expensive resort!
I changed to a slightly cheaper one this morning but can't stand being ripped off. It is nice to have air con, a TV and a fridge though I must admit.
The island is pretty here and not as spoilt as the others I've seen but the weather has been so over cast and rainy its hard to enjoy it. There is some great places to eat though and I'm now a real fan of "Noname vegetable with chicken", yes the vegetable is actually called No Name, bizarre!
Was sat in a restaurant with some girls watching open water this afternoon and they are now so freaked out they've cancelled their dive course-what a film to put on in the number 2 diving site in the World. Kind of put me off the snorkelling I was going to do as well.
Trying to rent out the space on my floor for tonight to reclaim a bit of my money back and then I think its on to Bangkok where by the sounds of things I want to stay for as little time as possible.
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