I did pray for a westerly wind or storm to get rid of the flies, but God obviously has a sense of humour and decided a cyclone was needed!
We decided to spend a night in Coral Bay to see what the cyclone was doing, and when the 'wise weather knowledge' people told us it was headed straight for Coral Bay, the campground evacuated pretty fast, including us, and we drove north-east inland to shelter in a rest area with about 10 other campers.
Miraculously, we even had internet coverage, so we could follow the latest forecast, but were alarmed to see that it had changed course to hit the coast at Exmouth (where a lot of people were headed) and we were also in its direct path inland. But praise God, we were safe in our cosy home on wheels with just lots of rain and wind rocking the van!
In the middle of the storm we heard a knock on the door and found a workman asking us for some unleaded fuel for some stranded backpackers! Thankfully Alf could help them out, so hopefully they made it safely to the next roadhouse. What an eventful day.
Unfortunately we heard that Brisbane was having their own massive storm with more damage than our cyclone at the same time!
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