The cyclone seems to have cleared the air a bit, so after phoning Ningaloo Station to see if the roads were open, we headed back to the coast. Once we left the bitumen, the roads to the station and camping areas had a lot of water over them in places, so after admiring our clean van and car from the cyclonic rain, we were now covered in red mud!
It was quite an interesting drive on narrow tracks to our beach camp at Winderabandi Point, and the first site given to us was too tricky to get the van in without getting bogged in the soft sand. So we were shown another site further up the beach - perfect! On the first day after the cyclone, the beach was covered in brown jellyfish! The clear water was also full of them - thank goodness they don't sting!
There were 4 other vans near us and the other couples were very welcoming, inviting us to 'happy hour' most nights and Steve & Jan took us out in their boat snorkelling on the Ningaloo reef and fishing - although it's been pretty windy on and off, so the fishing trip was called off. Alf caught a few fish off the beach - not as many as at Warra, but we've still had fish to eat most days. After a week of wind and sand, we're moving on again but have had a great time enjoying this wilderness experience, as well as trying out different cooking challenges and sharing vanilla slice with our new friends (always a big hit!).
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