Crossing the 'Tropic of Capricorn', we left the bitumen to find a campsite on the Ningaloo Reef at Warroora Station (pronounced 'Warra') - right on the beach! Paradise! It's so nice that we decided to stay for a week here, even though there are no facilities or water - we feel a bit like castaways on a deserted island! Mind you, up the other end of the beach it's like a 'mini-city' of about 15-20 caravans all lined up in a row (the long-term stays). So its been great up our end of the beach with only 2-5 campers at one time!
Now the flies are another matter - they are HORRENDOUS! We've been unable to cook or eat outside and always need to wear a fly net - even the dogs are wearing fly nets, and they leave them on as it keeps the flies out of their eyes. Twice we were blessed with a westerly wind for a few hours which blew the flies inland and it was like a new day - everyone came out of their campers to socialize outside, sit with a glass of wine and the kids playing in the sand!
Putting the fly problem aside, the beach is beautiful with white sand, the water clear and refreshing and we've been able to have beach walks, shell collecting, swimming, snorkelling and good fishing! We've caught enough fish for a feed most days which is really nice. Alf even went out with one of our neighbour campers, Matt, in his boat out near the reef and caught trevally & barracuda. I experimented with cooking up a 'barracuda mornay' - tasted alright!
The station has numerous 4wd tracks to explore, so we drove out to the homestead, Pelican Point, Sandy Point, the lagoon and turtle rocks. We've seen herds of goats, sea eagles, dolphins, kangaroos, emus, reef sharks, shovel-nosed sharks and turtles - amazing wildlife in their natural environment.
Today we heard that another cyclone is off the coast heading to Ningaloo, of course!! So we have driven in to Coral Bay and may spend a few days here and see what's happening before we make any decisions about travelling further north or east??
- comments
Helen Very pleased to read & see that you are both having a really lovely time. Some very special & lovely photos you have taken as well. Enjoy Look forward to when we can do the same one day. Love the Cookies
Helen According to your map, how did you get your car & van across the water??!!