This morning I woke up in the emptiest room to date, near by one of the five lakes at Mount Fuji. Last year my. resolution was not thought through: to be at the top of it next new year at midnight. Well let me put it this way, 9 people have been found dead trying to climb mount Fuji since January the first. So I enjoyed it from afar for the first time in my trip this morning. Most people have pictures of it from the Shinkansen but I couldn't because if clouds when I whizzed past it. Do I got a proper one :) Whilst I took this one there was a boat crossing the partially frozen lake. I took my headphones out (I'm listening to 1984 which is getting pretty intense and I think I may be making an unconscious link between the story and Japan. Not good. The story is great though and now I can see so many references to it in tv shows and other books I've seen/read.) to hear the crackling. Not unsimular to your rice crispies, gran, as the waves from the boat rippled the chunks of ice together, quite something.
In comparison to Kumaguchiko, Tokyo is warm, and I have met new people, a kiwi and a Mexican and haven't actually moved my bags from the front door yet. Tokyo this time is much less overwhelming but that is probably because I'm not hunting for a flat in Shinjuku at 1am... I can't remember if I mentioned that before, hmm.
• I fly away in 2 nights! ...
• K's hotels have been fabulous and I have saved about £10 from being a committed customer...
• I don't have many plans for tomorrow...
• Tom from Kyoto is suddenly here ad apparently me, him and Gabriel (the Mexican) were all in Kyoto together! wow...
Food: We had a set meal thing, don't know if it was chicken or pork but it was goooooood but it came with this weird Japanese soup which I still don't like, it looks and tastes like drain water!
Fact: The 9 people dead one from above
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