Happy New Year! The new year celebrations on a small island at the below Hiroshima called Miagima revolve around protecting against fire in the new year. After hiking up to the top of the island being careful of snakes, hornets and deer, I met some people who told me about the festivities in the evening and we hung around to watch flaming mayhem unfold as local groups and societies ran around with burning logs on the shoulders and everyone else lighting torches from then. The important thing is to put out the flames so that you keep the singed wood. This becomes a sort of charm.
After that we returned to the hostel via ferry and train and continued to tequila in the new year in a teeny weeny bar the staff took us to with the biggest CD collection ever. Then today me and Ryan ventured out the peac museum and learned loads about the a-bomb that hit here at the end of the war. Devastating but hopeful.
• Well hungover; fell asleep at 8pm...
• Extended my flight to the 10th to try to fit more in...
• Done the trip's first set of laundry...
• Knee was not happy with me after the Montaigne climbing. More stretching needed...
• Eggy rice for breakfast tomorrow. Nom nom...
• Huge rice paddles we expect are used to beat criminals off the island...
Fact: Everything a country does a nuclear weapon test the mayor writes to said county with a plea to stop. They are all pinned up in the museum, Obama has revived loads.
Big Cuz Jennifer Hi Cuz, Happy New Year! Loving the blog so far and feeling rather jealous once again (Samantha's blog also awoke the green eyed monster in me) and am tempted to book a one way ticket to Asia to join you! I think to your list of categories you should also add "food" easily as important as music :) Jan 1, 2013
- comments
Big Cuz Jennifer Hi Cuz, Happy New Year! Loving the blog so far and feeling rather jealous once again (Samantha's blog also awoke the green eyed monster in me) and am tempted to book a one way ticket to Asia to join you! I think to your list of categories you should also add "food" easily as important as music :)
alexblh I think you're right I'm gonna stop with the music (it is just off my iPod anyway) although info struggle with Japanese names!