- After the four hours from Lakes entrance we finally arrived in Philip island. The island is famous for it wildlife, and is a top tourist attraction from Melbourne.As we crossed the bridge on to the island we saw that there was a campsite sign straight away and after 8 hours driving…it was very welcoming. When we arrived the reception desk was closed, but luckily the woman was just on her way out and let us in. she also advised us that the penguin parade started at 7:30pm. As it was only 6:00pm we decided to get sorted and drive to the other side of the island to watch the famous penguin parade. We had heard of this before but we were a little unsure of what it was…so in a nutshell….. The penguins arrive back from a day playing around in the sea and then about an hour after sunset they waddle out of the sea and up the beach to the sand dunes that they call home. Basically, the island is famous for it and they have cashed in on it and set up a big visitors centre and they light the beach and the walk ways so that you can watch them waddle up. They also charge $20 for the privilege of this. Which isn't really that bad as this is a pretty rare thing to see. So we saw them come out of the sea and they kept being knocked over like skittle in a bowling alley….bless! Then you can walk alongside them making there way to their nests. So that was pretty cool. Unfortunately you are not allowed to take any photos as they would be scared by it! After that we went back to the camp and decided to head off for Melbourne the following day!
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