Woke up after a night listening to cars backfire down the main drag. Seriously, people make it so their cars backfire successively as they rev down the street at 2 am to 7 am. Sheesh. Up for breakfast (our first in Chile) made some sandwiches for the plane from the cold cuts available and made our way to POQ. Time before our flight and we ventured over to the Chilean Army Airbase and they asked if we wanted to come in and look at their planes! Their RG-85 used for missions to Antarctica is the same plane the US Forest Service contracts to drop retardant on fires. Andrew shared some footage with the guys who let us in. Then we Flew to Santiago and found our place in Bellavista. M & J went for a swim in the pool and then we headed out for dinner. Good Friday didn't put a damper on Bellavista nightlife and we walked home in the throng, stopping first to get some street side churros. A and I dropped off the kids at the hotel and headed back out for more. A couple of drinks and a street performer in a bunny/kangaroo costume, messing with cars and street side diners was a great way to end the night. Tomorrow night we head home.
At dinner we have been discussing how Chile is different from Utah: 1. Dogs. Dogs are like cats here in that they are let out of yards in the morning and roam about the town all day long and nobody seems to mind. They are friendly and smart and seem to be a huge part of Chilean culture. 2. Alcohol is a normal part of daily life, case in point, we were served a shot of whiskey gratis on a tourist boat excursion. 3. Siestas. 4. Lunch is at 2 to 3 and dinner isn't until 8 to 9 and a snack at around 11 - then bed. 5. Chile seems to understand the importance of the outdoor industry on their economy.
How Chile is not different from the rest of the world: 1. Graffiti 2. People are good 3. Chileans love their kids. 4. Street food 5. UNESCO sites 6. Poverty - Chile, like the US, is a developed nations that has not successfully dealt with urban poverty. 7. Stupid kids making noise with their cars when I am trying to sleep.
Chile was fantastic!
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