Universal Studios Day!!!
Lissy and I went together without our mate Becky as her funds are running low :-(
We had so much fun!!! We rode every ride, some twice!! The Simpsons ride was my favourite even though I don't watch the show. You sit in a little carriage but you don't actually go anywhere. It's simulated - while you watch the screens the carriage moves in time and you get splashed in some places - you really feel like you're in the movie!! Awesome!! My second favourite was The Mummy which was a little rollercoaster type thing with special effects all around. At one point it goes from 5 miles per hour to 45 miles per hour in 5 seconds!! Of course that's when they take your photo, so we had a good giggle at the photos. The tour of the backlot was amazing too...we drove down Wisteria Lane from Desperate Housewives and saw lots of different streets - the Spanish street, the old style Texas street, the street from Dr Suess. It also included a 3D King Kong movie where it appeared as though King Kong picked up our bus and flung it around!
The park closed at 6pm and then we checked out Citywalk which is just out the front of Universal. Some funky shops along there but the souvineers seemed really really pricey!
We got back to the hotel around 7pm and Becky wasn't back from her day out and about. She came in about 7.30pm and we went for a short walk down our block to find some dinner. We had a quiet night in watching King of Queens (yay Doug!).
Ready to turn in now at 10...earliest night I've had in a while...haha.
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