Aaron and Beckys Surfari!
working in the stawberry fields...I'm thinking about painting my nails brown to disgiuse the dirt!!!! (so's Aaron)!!!
well that is what we are still doing, picking the 'ruby jems' and 'camerosas' for Gary and Kay for the next 6 weeks, trying not to 'bwuuusee the fwuuit', and 'make sure the stalks are long enough', thats what they say to us 'Poms' as they call us!!! We never realised that picking the little blighters was such a tricky operation, we have to delicately pluck the 'fwuuiiit' from the bushes without damaging them in any way...7 hours a job at Gul never looked so good I can tell you.
Some of our co workers have picked strawberries for 7 thank you. that is enought to send any same person into a deep sleep..its soooooo boring... ah well, on the bright side, the weather hotting up, normally 27 degrees during the day!!!
We are managing to surf when its good, although its been a bit windy lately, we saw lots of dolphins last night again, a nice end to a day in the fields.yep...our life is pretty much filled with work for the next few weeks but its flying by, and soon we will be off meeting up with the Hutchens crew.
Hope you are all well. thanks for the messages..keep em coming!
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