Hope you haven't lost your plane tickets or you will just have to stay where you are!! Wouldn't that be sad. Seriously, soak up the last day or two of sun while you can, enjoy yourselves and NO kangaroo smuggling in the backpacks!! Safe journey next week. x
hi girls,
well we are back from florida.had 2 weeks of sun and cocktails.back to work on sunday after recovering from jet lag.oh matt is now the new full time team manager at 6505 so ive been told.hope you are still having a great time and see you next week,thats gone quick.tracey.xxx
Mummy And Daddy Miles
Hi Girls we are really looking forward to seeing you. The time has gone so quick! it's really good that you have already done something amazing with your life instead of just sticking to the every day mundane things that i have have done> I'm really looking forward to all of your adventure stories that I know make me wish that I had seen a part of the world just like you have. Make sure you enjoy these last few days even if it's just lazy around on the beach or by the pool. Make sure you bring the sun back with you. See you soon love mummy and daddy Miles xxxxx
Mummy Colleen
Hi both, It was good to speak to you this morning Zoe. It just doesn't seem possible that you will be home on Tuesday. Where has the 3 months gone. I am being selfish, I can't wait for you both to be home. It will be nice to see you at the table on Sundays for your dinner. I just hope the weather warms up for you, otherwise you might do a return flight.!!!!!! Not. Enjoy the rest of your adventure, and see you sometime next week. Bye for now. Love to both. Lots of love mum and Ivor. xxxxx
Mummy Miles
Hi Girls, hope your still making the most of your time I know you haven't got long left but don't forget it finishes the minute you get home, you've still got another week and all the travelling to enjoy. You seem to have made lots of friends from different parts of the world this is good. And you will always have your memories forever!. Take care can't wait to see you love you both Mummy Miles xxxx
ayup! not long now and then your both home..not sure how you feel about that but at least you will have lots to tell. I have just found out that i have passed my compulsory exams so yippee!! im nearly finished. I hear that you are both going to Bristol next year together so thats good that you both got to defer together. I just cant wait until i go on my travels. c u both soon. xx
Hey girls i'm back in Bournemouth now, but only 4 1 night. Off 2 Scunthorpe 2moro 2 c Shane! Can't wait, no i'm not goin on my own, Kathryn and Graham r comin 2. Hope ur still enjoyin urselfs and that u r still gonna come dwn and c me.
Naomi And Both Nans And Grandad
Hey girls, Dying to see u again, enjoy ur last few days out there, we've jst been lookin a the photos and it looks like ur enjoying urselfs. Well done Zoe for doin ur skydive, i wld av been petrified! u cld jst c me doin that at nearly 80! (nan m),
Grandad says av u got enough money 2 last u till u come home and r u broke cos u brought his present. lol.
Mummy Colleen
Hi Girls, just sat down with Ivor to look at latest, and for Ivor to catch up with all pictures. All good fun. Zoe you need to catch up with Michelle on the tan. It was good to speak to you this morning. 2 more weekends to go then!!!!!! Saw Ash at lunch time, he was out getting something before going back to work. Bye for now. love mum and Ivor. xxxx
Pauline & Dad
Hi both, is Ramsey Street a real street then? Don't know as not being a fan of neighbours! Either way you both look as if you are still enjoying yourselves, where's the sun gone though? Well Zoe, your room is definately pink, pink, pink and more pink!! It's what you wanted but you may need your sunglasses, hee hee. Seriously, it looks OK. Few finishing touches to go and the furniture has arrived. Going to take me longer to put all your gear back in than it did to paint it!! Carry on enjoying yourselves and get a bit more tan! See you soon Luv P and Dad xx
Mummy Miles
Hi girls, Can't wait to see you. It looks like your still having a great time, Michelle did you have a roll in the tire too? I so glad your still enjoying y6ourselves and are still making the most of every oppertunity, it's great. love you both mummy Miles xxxxxxxxxxx
Mummy Colleen
Hi both, Not long now before we see you. Looked at pics of latest, and how you both look so cold. I am at work sending this message before I end my duty. Getting tired now. I will call you at the weekend, as I will be at home. Don't be too sad when your journey comes to an end, and I can't wait to hear all.!!! Take care and speak to you soon. Lots of love mum and Ivor. xxxx