Hey girlies, loving the photos. They are brilliant. Zoe you are so brave for doing the sky dive. It look amazing. Well jealous of your tans, im so white, look like a ghost. Keep having fun!! Miss yous, x x x
Naomi And Mummy Miles
I'm back home now!!! U will b amazed when u c the size of Billy. I was well shocked when i saw him. Still can't get over how big he is.
Michelle ur lookin very brown and happy and u both look like ur still aving lots of fun! Y didn't u skydive Mich?? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
just looked at your recent photos.oh my god i cannot believe you (zoe) did that.i was scared just looking at the pictures.Michelle what happened to you?the lift at work is one thing but skydiving,i thiught you would jump at the chance!he!he!.glad you both are having a good time.me next week.
Mummy Colleen
Hi girls. Eventually got onto the site to look at latest, bu internet playing up. Good videos, but not long enough. How is the weather for you. Ours is back to winter. Very windy and wet today. Been down town, but it was like a ghost town. Back in the warm house now. Only 4 weeks to go now. Looking forward to you coming home. Our clocks go forward this weekend, so we will have our time difference, also lighter nights. Hooray. Well will have to go now, so take care and will see you soon. Lots of love mum and Ivor. xxx
Hey girlies, Looks like ur both still aving a brill time. Mich i think u need 2 learn how 2 spell! hehe. The photos r gr8. Whats this i hear u sent presents home, but i didn't get 1. :-( i've got a cold at the mo so i need somethin 2 cheer me up. :-) hehe. I'm going home on Saturday. Yay!! I haven't ad ne snow, only a bit of rain, its been mostly sunny. Mum, Dad and Michael r off 2 big Michaels 2day. They're off havin fun while i'm sat here doin work.
Have lots more fun
Pauline H
Hi Both
You are obviously havng a great time and thankfully didn't get eaten by the Sharks! Michelle I think your Mum was right, drinking and typing don't go well together! All fine this end, trying to finish the kitchen before starting on your room Zoe, at this rate you will be home before we do! Seriously, it will get done, I hope! Glad your weather is good, we had snow today, but it didn't lay. Brook was not impressed and just stood looking mournful and wanting to come in, so he will be useless for snowball fights if we get any more, hee hee. Take care love to both Pauline and Dad xxxx
Jen Stace Mel
Hey Girlies, we have just looked through your pics we are now depressed as we have cold odd snowy showers and u are all brown and on hot beaches. I want beans he or she is so sweet can u bring one back for me !!!!!!!!!!! Im jenna by the way u dont no mel but she wants rambo and stacey wants to be there so do we all. michelle stop biting zoe her legs are in a right state. hee hee please can u bring back the barbie mobil. glad your enjoying yourselves. love u loads jen stace and mel x x x x x
Mummy Miles
Hi Girls, Michelle were you still drunk when you wrote your last blog as the spellings are all in the wrong order? Sounds like are still enjoying yourselves. Take care love you mummy and daddy miles xxxxxxxxxxxx
Mummy Colleen
Hi girls, it was good on line the other day. we enjoyed our dinner, and wished you could have been here to enjoy it too.!!!! photos are good. Everyone says hello. we will enjoy our eggs at the weekend!!! look forward to yours too yours will probably go off by the time you get home zoe. hehe. only joking. did you enjoy the few days relaxation? keep the pics coming. love to both love mum and Ivor. xxxxxx
Mummy Miles
More fab pics. In every picture of you Michelle you've got new clothes on does that mean you've been shopping??? I bet you couldn't resist taking the picture of Graham, make you think of home did it? I could see your point! I hope you are both using your sun block. it sounds like you had a nice relaxing time at Fraser Island I'm so jealous. Love you Mummy Miles in cold old England.
Mummy Miles
Fab pics. it was good to talk to you today. I like the scenery pics. Don't them dongo's look like our Jay Jay, I bet you thought of Jay when you them coming towards you Michelle. Love you both Mummy Miles
Hey Girls,
I'm really glad you had a good time at the farm. You both made it a really good time while i was there, its always nice to meet new people. I read your blog for Kial and you forgot all bout the baby Bearded Dragons. I wonder how many survived after all that excitment. I was sure someone was dying when all the screaming started. Well have a good time while your still in the country, dont drink too much. Ma is comin down to visit me on the 28th of this month so i'm excited so is Kasia. Gotta go.