So many people seem to be reminding you that you will soon be home - so I won't do that! Whoops, I just did! So hope you still having great times. P and I heading for some sunshine this weekend, down to Malta for a week. Won't be as warm there as you two are having, but we shall compare tans in a couple of weeks eh. Take care and enjoy yourselves. x
Liz & Dave
Hi Girls
What a great sky dive Zoe, you nearly convinced us that you enjoyed it!!! So looking forward to seeing you again. You make can make me envious all over again. Take Care, see you soon. Lots of Love Liz & Dave
Sue Heatley
Hi you 2. Have been watvching you progress for the past few months, you rae obviously having the time of your life. My husband has been really interested in your travels as he grew up in Aussie and is keen to see how it has changed in 30 yeare - wow! Cairns never looked like that when he was in the Army. Best wishes Sue Heatley.
Naomi And Mummy Miles
Hope u girlies r enjoyin urselfs still and r nice and warm. I ad 2 go 2 work 2day, was working dwn the huts, and I got absolutly drenched frm the snow. It was like a blizzard!!! My feet even turned blue and my fingers swelled up and went all red! Not good.
Mum says, make sure u enjoy the nxt few weeks cos u will soon b bac here in freezing cold england and ur tans will fade as sonn as u get off the plane (they won't if u come straight dwn 2 Bournemouth and spend time on the beach! hehe)
Nannie Wobblyhead
Don't know if your'e interested, but it's snowed all day today & lying. The trees thro' Thornden & Clowes Wood were beautiful. I wish I had stopped to take a photo, 'cos there's nothing on the trees in Whitstabubble.
Katie,martin And Lewis
p.s WELL DONE zoe on your sky dive, that looked very scary! well done. you could miss your boobs though!hahaha.
Katie,martin And Lewis
hiya girls, love your pics and videos. Very jealous!, lovely tans. So glad your enjoying you self. Not long till you come back, gone fast hasnt it. Take care both of
Nannie Wobblyhead
U are looking rather browned off, but enjoying it. Grandad Wobblyhead has bought me two new furbabies from the RSPCA. British Blue X (grey) cats 8 1/2yrs. beautiful babies. How anyone could have parted with them we can't imagine. Carry on enjoying it, I'm very envious. Love Nannie.
Leyona And Dan
Hey Girls!! we are definately jealous now to see what a great time that ur both having and the sky dive zoe looks amazing! u carried off the smiles great all the way through! lol not long now and then u can tell us all about it in person! Well i hope that u come back anyway! lots of love xxxxx
I've got some pics of the animals 2 u send u but it wldn't let me do it earlier so i'll try again soon. I've also got a video of Gypsy and Billy playin 2gether 2 send u.
Mich do u av 2 keep txtin me early in the morning?? Its nice 2 hear frm u but u keep waking me up! :-). I don't no bout what u said about i need 2 av a think and c what happens with my placement.
Peter Norman
hello girls sorry havn t been on for a while hope the pair of you are still having a good time looked at latest pics they are really good its getting a bit warmer here but far too cold for you wont be long before you are home so make the most of the time left out there take care lots of love karen&peter xxx
Just looked at your latest pix. Wow -what a fantastic time you are having. Makes life here back home seem quite mundane!! Enjoy the last few weeks and bottle some of that sunshine to bring back as we aint got much around here! Keep having fun.