Have you learned how to tell the difference between a boy and girl wallaby yet? Bet they are cute and cuddly, but don't get too attached and try to smuggle one back home. Hope you are both having the best time and treasuring every moment. Looking forward to seeing more pix and where's the VIDEO???
Mummy Miles
Hi Girls, It's a shame you haven't got internet accass because I'd like to see photos of you carrying your little Joey in a sling with a dummy in it's mouth. When you read this make sure you give us a FULL update. I look forward to reading all of your stories. Still wishing I could be with you take care love Mummy Miles xxxx
Mummy Colleen
Hi Girls! At work we all send our love x
Liz & John
Hi Zoe & Michelle
Have just looked at your photos, looks like you are having a brill time, lots of beer and sun! We are sure you will enjoy the wallabee centre. Have fun. Lots of love xx
Hey Zoe nd Michelle, looks like ur havin a gr8 tym im so jealous lol hpe ur not 2 wet lol love all the pics nd im pleased 2 say zo that ur lookin brown betta than bein white lyk us hpe u have a g8 tym at the wallabee place speak soon Love Laura nd the rest of us x x x
Mummy Colleen
Hi both, How are things going. Have you made it to the wallabee site yet. Has the weather settled down. It is a beautiful day here now the thick fog has cleared. We have been having very thick frosts in the mornings. Not nice. It is suppose to be warmer at the weekend, but wet. I see that a lot of the family are sending messages now. We are all jealous you know. I will phone you sometime over the weekend. I am working, but will do it during the evening. Take care speak soon. lots of love mum and Ivor. xxx
Nan P
hi girls how are you doing love your photos gdad and i send you our love nan p
Liz And Dave
Hi to you both, On the road again. I expect you have finally made it to the Wallabee centre by now. Hopefully the rain has stopped and you can dry out at last and really enjoy working with the animals. We loved reading all the messages and the blog updates. You look like you are both having a whale of a time. Enjoy the rest of the stay as I'm sure you will and take care, we will see you soon. Love from Liz & Dave x x x
Leyona And Dan
Hey Girlies! looking good. i see your both full of colour now...soon you will be the same colour as me! Have you been to neighbours yet coz i need to know if toadie is ok hes had another panic attack? let me know asap! lol xxx
hi girls, c you have finally settled, love your pictures, the vanda orchid was good and the beer looks good too,take care of yourselves and enjoy your holiday lots of love and kisses andyxxx
hello daddy here,no rain here just frost,-2 here at moment.
going frost bathing today I willnot get sunburnt here.Enjoy yourselves think of us in the cold now and again.
hello zoe
see you are having a great time.
Thomas has asked could you take a picture of a great whit shark and an aligator or croc