We are finally in Rockhampton at last! The flooding has been really bad and at one stage we were completely land locked so Airlie Beach was basically an island! We were in Airlie for an extra 2 nights until the roads were clear.
Despite the bad weather we have had an excellent few days. Our driver has been really good and keeping us updated at least twice a day, this included meetings in the pub with free beer of course!
I (Zoe) have never seen such constant heavy rain in my life! At one stage when we were walking down the street the water was flowing like a river up to our ankles. There were rumours flying about all the time, we even heard at one point that there was going to be a cyclone!
Our extra time in Airlie has been spent mostly inside away from the rain so we made braclets and even had a didgeridoo lesson (Michelle managed to make more of a 'sound' than me!).
Being stranded has meant we have made a lot of good friends and it has been really sad leaving them all today but hopefully we will have a good time at the Wallaby centre.
We are being picked up tomorrow morning and don't really know if we will have internet access but we will try and keep in contact and keep you updated.
Bye for now! x x x
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