We arrived in Hervey Bay on Saturday night and both decided to have a really nice meal as we had been out in the wilderness for the past few weeks! After the meal (and a couple of cocktails) we headed to bed to catch up on some well earned sleep from all the 5am starts.
The next day was a lazy day as we just caught up and spent a lot of time on the net. At 6pm we had a bottle shop run to purchase enough alcohol to last the whole three days on Fraser Island.
On Monday we had to check out before 7am to go to a talk about Fraser and to be put into groups of whom we would spend the next few days with. For those of you that don't know Fraser Island is an Island made wholly of sand which you can only access by 4x4 and it has many amazing lakes. We watched two videos on Fraser, one was on how to keep the island looking beautiful and driving on the island and the other was how to be Dingo safe (look at the pic of Mich and I in the van to see the pose you have to strike when you see a Dingo!) After the videos we were put into our groups, we were in group one which consisted of four English girls (me, Mich, Mandy and Jo) two Danish lads (Rene and Joakim) and two Danish girls (Mette and Trina.)
The groups then set off in the vans to get our supplies. Firstly we went to the workshop to get the tents and other camping gear and then we went to Woolworths (which is a supermarket in Oz) to get the food. Our group took a little longer than we should have in Woolworths which ended in a mad crazy rush to get to the ferry terminal. We made it just in time even though Rene decided he was still in Denmark and when turning into a road he went on the wrong side!
When we arrived on Fraser we had to go to the petrol station so we could let our tyres down so they were ok to drive on sand, we missed the turning and ended up driving up a huge sandy hill and had to keep going until we could find some where to turn back. Once the tyres were let down we could set off to start our adventure!
Rene was driving at first as we had a little more faith him (rather than me or Mandy) as he had been in the miltary so was probably a little more experienced than us! A lot of the first part of the drive was through alpine tracks and to say it was bumpy would be and understatement but it was fun even when holding on for your life! Our first stop was a place called central station where most people had lunch but we decided to take a walk. We walked by what looked like and empty stream but when we looked down it was actually because the water was crystal clear, from the pictures it doesnt look like there is any water in there. Then we saw a sign for the Basin lake (in Australia they use Km as me and Mich don't really understand them we were totally up for the walk) so we walked and walked in the forest and at one point thought that we may have gone the wrong way so Mandy ran up a little further and found another sign which said it wasn't too far. When we finally got there it was amazing and the walk was worth it also there was no one there except our group which made it even better!
After the walk back to the van I decided to take over the wheel for a while, well I could only just reach the peddles and couldn't get the handbreak off!! I got there eventually though and drove through some more alpine tracks before reaching the beach. On Fraser they don't actually have any proper roads and the main road is the beach, you can only drive on the beach between certain times due to the tide but as well as being a road it is also a landing strip for planes! We had to go a fair way up the island to find a place to camp for the night and when we got near to the place it was suggested to camp we couldn't find it, we ended up driving up and down before seeing another group and found a good spot.
It was getting dark so we had to quickly put up the tents and cook our dinner. Mandy and I cooked the barbie (I did actually cook!!!) whilst everyone else set up camp and opened a few beers! It was a really fun night and we just spent the night getting to know each other. Ask Michelle if she can still count to ten in Danish when she gets home! Later that night I was chatting to some of our group and I looked round to find a Dingo watching us! The tents were interesting to sleep in as part of it collapsed and I ended up on Michelle's head!
The next morning we walked down to Eli Creek. It wasn't the best walk to the creek as you spent most of it looking at your feet to make sure you didn't stand on one of the jellyfish that were washed up on the beach. We walked up to the top of the creek and when we got in it was freezing cold. The creek slowly pushes you downstream, it is perfectly clear and you can see the sand at the bottom.
After the creek we had to pack up camp which we did surprisingly well and efficently to go to the north of the Island to Indian head and the Champagne Pools. From Indian head we could see huge sand dunes and great views across the sea. walking back down from Indian Head was an adventure in itself, well that is watching Michelle trying to clamber down the rocks! Back at vans we met a new friend, a wild Dingo! It wasn't phased by us at all and there were four groups of us nearby. The dingos on Fraser are one of the only pure dingos in the world as no one really lives on the island so they have never mixed with domestic dogs. We then headed up to the Champagne Pools, I loved it there as the water actually bubbled over the rocks, it was like you were in a bubble bath and they even fizzed!
That night we made spag bol and played a few drinking games! Four of us ended up sleeping in the van as it was raining but to be honest it was as uncomfortable as the tents were but it was dry and dingo free! In the morning there were lots of dingo tracks around the camp!
It was now the last day of the Fraser trip and the best parts of the Island were saved until last. We had to drive back inland to lake Wabby. On the way to lake Wabby we were able to see it from high up at the look out, it was really strange as in the middle of all the trees was a huge sand dune with a green lake at the end of it. We made Rene a birthday cake out of the sand and twigs as it was his birthday! We didn't spend too long here as we wanted to spend a while at Frasers most famous lake 'Lake Mckenzie'. Lake Mckenzie as you can see in the pictures is the most beautiful part of Fraser, it is a crystal clear blue lake and it is so amazing that it is natural! We had so much fun playing beach ball and swimming in the lake. It was definately a case of saving the best until last! We then headed back to the ferry to Hervey bay.
That night the first thing we did was shower as we were covered in sand, the sand was every where and whilst on Fraser we ended up even eating it in our sandwiches! We then all went out for a few drinks at a local bar.
We had one more day in Hervey which was spent 'browsing' around the shops and lazing on the beach!
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