After the flight and bus to Montanita we arrived in perfect time as Saturday night was massive. Heaps of local Ecuadorian´s come here for the weekend.
We dropped our bags off at the closest hostel which was only $20 a night which we thought was pretty sweet little did we know that you could get a room for $10 per night but it was nice to put our bags down.
Caught up with our mates Mark and Mitch and hit Cocktail Ally which was just heaven. There are about 20 little huts selling exactly the same cocktails for so cheap. Lots of alcohol, little mixers. Fun night.
Monday we started a week of Spanish classes at Marzul Spanish School which was $120 each for 20 hours which was one of the cheapest in town. A huge thanks to our very good and mucho patient tutor Miguel. We'll keep up the study we promise. We also moved to a family homestay so we could be around spanish speakers more. It was a bit scary to start with but now we are loving it, we have learnt so much more. The family is awesome with some of the cutest kids who like to follow us around correcting our mistakes. It's also great to play a bit of football with them, although I wouldn't put Junior in goal as his team lost much to the joy of the kids on the other team who mocked him while he caught his breath.
Montanita is really quiet during the week so it was good to know that we weren't missing out on anything and could study more.
Thursday night was Ladies night at Hola Ola bar, ladies get in for $3 men for $6 and once again in true South American style it was all you can drink (obviousley the responsible service of alcohol thing hasn't made it here, not that we're complaining!), with extra jelly shots and plastic syringes filled with the barmans latest concoction. Still not as good as Aunty Sues' drenching gun brew though. Let´s just say we had a good night and we didn't feel to bad for our last day at Spanish.
With our family homestay we went to a beautiful nature park with waterfalls and pools which was beautiful and of course Junior did some great bombs in the pools. Very peaceful place and we were the only ones there which made it nice.
Montanita has been great fun but time to move onto Banos.
- comments
Sam Soh que pasa!Awesome blog, looking forward to the next updates