We left the hostel early with about 8 people from the hostel to board
the 2.5 hour flight to the islands. After a mission to get from the
airport to the harbour we arrived at our boat, The Floreanna.
After a beautiful prawn lunch we went back to land and visited a natural tortoise farm where there were tortoises 150 -180 years old. They were massive. After that we walked through a lava tunnel from an old volcano eruption which was really interesting.
Dinner was great on the boat and we figured out we would be leaving the boat with a few extra kilos. The boat set sail at midnight so trying to sleep with the engine noise, rough rough ocean and sharing a bunk bed all was good and just had to remember where we were.
We started the day at 7o'clock which Junior wasn't happy about due to the fact he didn't even get up that early in Perth. After breakfast we visited the old post office island where you can write on a postcard and leave it in a post box and someone going to that country or place is supposed to deliver it for you which is what sailers use to do. We left a postcard so we'll see if it actually works. We also picked up one to send to someone when we get back.
The snorkling was amazing and on our first attempt in nearly freezing waters we swam with massive turtles they were feeding and were not even bothered with us being there we took heaps of underwater photos on a disposable so hopefully some work. We also saw a little penguin a sean lion which was exciting.
In the arvo it was grey and cold but it was snorkling time so we hit the rough sees and once we got over the shock of how cold the water was finally enjoyed swimming with the massive sea lions and beautiful fish. Another night sail so that was fun...
The next day we visited Espanolia island which has 100´s of iguanas and sea lions and heaps of tiny sea lion babies which were like 1 week old, so beautiful. We walked around the island to a massive blow hole which was going crazy due to the rough sea. Alot more than the Albany one was the last time we were down there. Dad you would have been impressed. xx
Oh yeah birds, we saw heaps of birds. Our favourite one was the Blue Footed Boobie plenty of photos to come when I get that sorted.
Spent 2 nights on San Cristobal island visited Santa Fe island which was a nice end to the trip.
We stayed an extra 2 nights on Santa Cruz island at Sir Francis Drake Hotel and was so looking forward to a nice sleep with out the engine only to find our bed was the hardest bed we had ever felt. I´m not joking it was like sleeping on the ground. Not a bad hostel though $30 dbl room with bathroom.
We went out diving with hammerhead sharks which was awesome fun but bloody freezing water and hard to stay down long. We dived at Gordon Rocks which is an old under water volcano. On the way out there it was so rough I was thinking I have never been in rough water like this in such a small but but wait they never told us that on the way back it was even more rough and I was a bit freaking out. Made it though clearly.
Considering I got motion sickness in a hammock in Columbia I survived 7 days on a boat and did not get sick once thanks to the 20 motion sickness tablets I took. :-)
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