Charged batteries, transferred photos now in bar waiting for stu to finishing playing on the mountain. The snow is getting worse, spring is defiantly in the air, well the locals are wearing shorts now so it must be.
Well no biking, no bowling maybe tomorrow huh, a long day and a early night makes ......
Arch has started to have serious issues with loud noise, music, ski boots and generally anything. He has even scared himself woofing a few times, whist Blaze has really come outta himself. Wondering round with no lead, being very social. Found him behind the bar getting in with all the locals when we were outside having a drink. He is definitely enjoying himself. Hope Arch gets better maybe he is just tired and a little home sick.
Dad and Stu should be skiing first thing tomorrow. It has just started to rain here but not convinced of snow up there. I doubt Lynette will be up and about. It's been a long way to come for a few mac lessons. Hahahah
Early dinner buffet was amazing. Could of done with taking a little more time over it. Might of been able to fit in a few more course than my 5 and a little cheese.
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