I'm not entirely sure how to describe today. The thought of walking down a mountain is sometimes scary enough but not us, o no.
Our 8am start soon ended up as a 9:30 am start. We cycled up to the gondola got our tickets and then headed onto the lift. Our bikes just about fitted in the right way along with 3 guys with their parachute things. We got off at the first station and straight into the next lift to the very top. My heart was starting to pound and my hands starting to shake slightly. We got off and cycled down to the start of the single track. 2 blue signs indicated the start. A deep breath and off I go, Stu was already out of sight. I looked at the first corner, a steep hill and high bank, I started to enter the apex my feet go down and stop. I kinda slide down and round back on next corner stop. No confidence what so ever. Went a little further foot got stuck and off I came. Luckily just into some bushes. A few bumps and lumps but all ok so back on. A few bits I could do then walk the corners. I might of walked most of it but at least I made it down to the station. When we got there no lifts, no signs. We carried on a bit further, single track this way. Black route. After not being able to do the first one we now have 2 options carry on down the black route or walk back up, so which one did we do, obviously carry on. I didn't even bother to get on my bike. I heard a few shreaks from Stu so knew it must be tricky. I was finding it heard just to walk down. I carried my bike down some scary tracks that sometimes were no bigger than the tyres wide up and over rocks and down steep corners until eventually we came to a river. No bridge, no stones just a fast flow small waterfall about knee high. I waded through it first to decided the route and then Stu carried the bikes over.
We carried on Stu was gaining confidence and speed I was still walking. The track had not been kept well. A land slide had taken out a part of it so again Stu carried the bikes over rocks and roots over fallen trees and I followed slowly behind. I actually got back on my bike that had probably forgotten what it was even like to be ridden, to soon the steepest corner yet. I got off and was leaning on my bike to make it round. Just as I was about to go Stu started shouting. 2 people in 2 hours. I quickly got into a safe place to let them pass, one quickly passed and the other flew passed my head over his handle bars. Luckily wearing full face helmet and full body armour. I quickly came to the conclusion that we probably should be waring that to but anyway must carry on. The track got harder as we came closer to the end but we finally made it. We came out in the open so I got back on thinking the worst was over.
We went past a farm followed a track. The path went uphill and the gate that said no bikes went down so yet again with 2 choises to go up or down which one did we do. Go through the gate that said no bikes.
Squeezing through gaps between rocks. Nearly sheer drops, climbing over boulders to get through and 2 hours later of us both carrying our bikes we actually made it down to the next village. We sat on a bench had our lunch. Not much was said at this point.
It only took 15minutes to get back. Had a shower picked the dogs up and went into town for a well deserved meal.
Before bed we watched on YouTube the pros doing the course. The first bit took the 11 minutes and the black route about 40. And the farm we passed before the no bike route was the way we were supposed to go with a nice flat road. You have got to be kidding me.
Nevertheless it was a lot of fun even if I didn't really cycle, I did try but I do think my downhill single track mountain bike days are over. Well, till the next time.
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